Part 7 - Outrigger

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Day 24 on the island...

It was the day after we found out that Ishmael was the founder of V.F.D. and that he knew our parents. Since we swore that we wouldn't tell anybody about the treehouse or of Ishmael's true identity, he allowed us to visit the treehouse whenever we wanted.

It didn't take long for all of us to come to the conclusion that we should leave the island.

So, after breakfast, we snuck back to the tree and started reading through the books until Violet thought of how we would actually get off the island.

"You can see it in the sky" she said. "There will be a storm tonight, I'm sure of it"

"And then what?" asked Naomi.

"Tomorrow it'll be Storm Scavenging Day, anything that any of you think would help repair the boat you need to hide so we can recollect it later and bring it here"

Day 25 on the island...

As my girlfriend predicted, that night there was a terrible and terrifying storm.

In the morning, the whole island, except Ishmael of course, went around, scavenging for items that washed up on the beach. 

Violet and I went around together and tried to make it romantic but finding a washed up toilet is the least romantic thing I can think about.

Nevertheless, we did find some useful objects, I had no idea what they were but Vi thought they were good so I just went with it.

Later on that evening, we collected all the items and met the others at the tree. Then while Violet and Naomi started working on the outrigger, which is the boat that people can use if they want to leave the island on Decision Day, Quigley and Klaus charted a course, also me and Sunny started getting food together.

Day 27 on the island...

Late last night, Violet and Naomi finished work on the outrigger. Today is the day we leave.

I started writing this in the hopes that I could find happiness with Quigley and the Baudelaires, even Naomi now. Hopefully, today we will get off this island and sail away to a happily ever after.

It's time for us to sneak away, wish us good luck!

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