Part 12 - Escape

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"If we are going to get out of here we plan everything" said Violet. "Duncan, Quigley, you both stayed here for two weeks and though it wasn't the best weeks of your life, you've got to know things about Count Olaf and Esme like-"

"When they go to sleep" I continued.

"And if they are light sleepers" said Quigley.

"How long has it been since we were locked down here?" asked Klaus.

"I don't know maybe an hour" I said.

"Then where is Naomi?"

"She'll be okay, Klaus" said his older sister.

Since Klaus was overcome with worry over Naomi, the rest of us continued planning our escape. Quigley and I knew that it had to be that night, because we didn't want to know what was going to happen tomorrow. Violet agreed because she knew Count Olaf would be too drunk to go after us. Me and my brother knew exactly which way to go to get out and which floorboards to avoid as they made a sound when you stood on them. We also knew which way to go to get to the V.F.D. cafe from our failed attempt to escape with Issy. Then as Violet started to pick the lock on the basement door, we asked ourselves: what about the others? We knew that Naomi, Valerie, Emily and Emily's younger sister were here, and I told them that there were other hostages somewhere. We decided we had to leave them, if only for the hour that it would take to make our way to the V.F.D. cafe and get back with help.

Once my girlfriend finished picking the lock on the door, we all started the dark journey to the door. Quigley lead the way, followed my me and Violet holding hands, then Klaus carrying Sunny. We knew we were close to the door when we saw the light from outside. The door was right in front of us, right there.

The lights turned on.

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