Part 1 - What Sister's Are For

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26th November, Isadora, Quigley and I were locked back into the closet. Quigley tried to knock down the door, hurting himself in the process. I slowly sat back down in the corner I sat in earlier that  night.  Issy almost immediately sat down, leaning against boxes of Esme's shoes and started writing in her (backup) commonplace book.

"What are you writing?" I asked.

"I just overheard Esme, she said that Count Olaf is going on trial, tomorrow! I'm writing down everything"


"Yes. Everything that has happened to us, starting with the day of the fire"

This made Quigley stop banging on the door. "You are?" he asked. Issy and I still hadn't told Quigley everything that has happened to us. I wanted to but Issy asked me not to. She was hurt more by our ordeal, and I know she was affected more (though she didn't say) so I agreed not to tell anyone.

"I am" she smiled. Quigley sat down beside me and Isadora started writing.

She wrote for hours. She filled up her spare commonplace book, my spare commonplace book and  half of Quigley's spare commonplace book. I remember times when she laughed and many times when she cried.

At maybe 2:30 in the afternoon, we were brought out of the closet and told to pack all of Esme and Carmelita's things. Quigley and I could see how much she wanted to finish 'Broken' so we told her to just stand up and finish writing, because she was so close, while we packed the bags . Then at around 3pm, Esme and Carmelita came back into the room and before leaving Carmelita, very rudely, spat at us. Isadora gasped, dropping the commonplace book and knocking over a glass vase, Esme heard her and dragged her out of the room, locking the door behind her.

Quigley and I shouted for Isadora for the next half hour but there was nothing. Until, They opened the door, each of them grabbed one of us and dragged us out of the hotel room and tied us to some chairs that overlooked the lobby. The Woman soon disappeared and The Man sat down in a chair, a small distance away from us. As it turns out, They were judges of the high court.

Not long afterwards, the trial started. Justice Strauss, a judge who Quigley and the Baudelaires know, overseen the trial to prove that the Baudelaires were innocent of killing Dewey Denouement, while also trying to convict Count Olaf for all his crimes. During the trial, the Baudelaires told the court what had happened to them since the fire that destroyed their home. Also, Esme told the court about what had happened at the Opera, I already knew about it from my time in the bottom of an elevator shaft but the rest of the court was shocked. The court ordered the audience to wear blindfolds in a literal recreation of the saying 'justice is blind', but Quigley and I didn't wear the blindfolds. Then, we saw Count Olaf get up and starting pulling Justice Strauss away with his hand over her mouth . The Baudelaires heard her struggling and removed their blindfolds and the Man declared them guilty for 'contempt of court', though the Baudelaires didn't care.

Then, I heard probably the most terrifying thing I've ever heard, my sister screaming for help.

She was a floor above us and had a broken down door and a fire extinguisher behind her. Someone on the ground floor called up to her: it was Valerie with Liam and Emily Lyons. When she saw them she started running and when he saw her the Man started running to the elevator. The Baudelaires followed Count Olaf into an elevator with Justice Strauss.

Before long, I felt someone behind me, it was Issy. She was tying me loose.

"Isadora. What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing. Help me with Quigley"

"Issy, are you sure?"

"I'm fine, Quigley!"

Me and Issy untied Duncan and we ran to the elevator. It reached the seventh floor and the doors opened, revealing the Baudelaires, Count Olaf and Justice Strauss.

"Quagmires! The building is on fire!" said Violet.

"Fire, again?" Issy said.

"You have to come with us!" said Klaus.

Issy gave me a reluctant look then we entered the elevator and Quigley told Justice Strauss to go.

The elevator soon reached the roof. Count Olaf cut open a beach ball and inside was the sample of Medusoid Mycelium, he decided to save it for another time. Violet sprung into action, she pulled a tarp down, she and Klaus got into the Carmelita (a boat that Esme and Olaf got Carmelita) and they attacked the tarp to the oarlocks on the boat.

Violet, Klaus, Sunny, Quigley, Count Olaf and I were all now crammed together into the boat, which was almost at the edge of the pool. It was Issy's turn to fit into the boat, then something terrible happened.

"You are not leaving with my sapphires!" said Esme, she looked extremely angry and held a gun, pointing it at Issy. Then Carmelita came out of nowhere and grabbed my sister.

"Let go of her!" I shouted. Quigley and Klaus did the same.

"Stop, please, just stop" Issy said to us. "I won't fit in that boat aswell"

"Be quiet, Isadora. You could die and we won't let that happen" said Quigley.

"I'm sorry, Duncan, Quigley, Baudelaires, but if it means you will all live, then it's a risk I'm willing to take"

"You're being ridiculous, Isadora" I said.

"Take these" she said, getting the three 'Broken' commonplace books out of her pocket. She threw them to me but hit Quigley instead.

"You really do have terrible aim" Klaus said. She threw something to Klaus and he caught it perfectly.

The Carmelita started tipping over the edge.

"I love you" Issy said. Then...

The last thing we heard of Isadora Quagmire was a horrifying scream once the boat tipped over the edge.

My name is Duncan Quagmire, I am 13 years old us this is a continuation of my sister's story. It is not a happy story. It is a story of fear, a story of grief, a story of unfortunate and horrifying events. This is what my sister would want. She would want me to get justice and complete her, our story.

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