Chapter Eight - New Friends

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The following day consisted of humiliation, boring classes, terrible food, measurements, a pep rally and tap-dancing, but not just from me and Duncan whenever we were in our shack, no, but also Carmelita as Vice Principal Nero gave her new tap shoes. But at least we had Olivia, later that day we returned to the library and still couldn't find anything that could help us get rid of the fungus. We sat through the six hours of Vice Principal Nero's recital, then went to bed.

The next day...

Carmelita woke up us with a song, again. Although, lucky for whoever is reading this, I will not put you through the torture of a song that tries to rhyme but fails miserably. She told us to go and wait outside Vice Principal Nero's office for he wanted to see us after lunch.

"Duncan, can I look at that object again?" I asked as we  walked towards the bench that was outside of Vice Principal Nero's office.

"Yea sure" he passed it to me and we sat down.

"I know I've seen it before"

Carmelita walked past us and talked to the people sitting on the other side of the bench. "Hello cake-sniffers" she said.

"Hello, um"

" um are you a blithering idiot? Everyone knows I'm Carmelita Spats" 

I rolled my eyes and stopped listening. Carmelita walked off with the new students. Half an hour later, she had finished her tour of the school and took them to Vice Principal Nero's office, 10 minutes late. She demanded for a tip then knocked on Vice Principal Nero's door. 

"Who dares interrupt a genius while he's rehearsing!"

"It's the Baudelaire's" Duncan and I turned our heads towards them "They're late for their appointment with you"

"How dare you be late! Thank you, Carmelita for telling me, that's a nice broach, by the way"

"The original owner really liked it" she spun away from Vice Principal Nero and stomped towards me and Duncan "What are you two looking at?" she spat. When we looked back to where the Baudelaire's were, they had already gone into Vice Principal Nero's office.

 Five (or so) minutes later, the Baudelaire's walked out of their meeting and we knocked on Vice Principal Nero's office.

"Vice Principal Nero, you said you wanted to see us?" 

"We've been waiting for a really long time..."

"Come in, come in, come in. So orphans, how would you like to move into a broom closet"

"It's better than the Orphan Shack" I said.

"We still don't have beds though" 

"But at least there's no crabs or fungus"

"Plus, we didn't have to go to our afternoon lessons today. I don't know how much longer I can last in Mrs.Bass' and I've only been here 3 days"

"We still have to go to the concert through"

"Shall we go to the library? And tell Olivia"


We walked to the library and when we arrived we told Olivia that we had moved into a broom closet while a new set of orphans, the Baudelaire's, had moved into the Orphan Shack. Then we gave her the strips of metal and she told us that she was going to open early the next day, though still open for ten minutes. We eventually left to go to Vice Principal Nero's office.

"The Baudelaire's haven't arrived" I said, an hour in.

"Do you think they know?" 

"Probably not, by the looks of it"

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