Part 2 - Washed Up

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My arms were aching. My legs were cramped and my back ached too.Klaus, Violet, Quigley and I had been rowing for hours. There were times when the others stopped but I didn't stop, I had to distract myself from what just happened. Count Olaf hadn't helped at all, of course. All he did was threaten us, laugh at us, sing terribly and tell us to row hard.

After complaining once again, Count Olaf decided to change the name of the boat from the Carmelita to the Olaf, he lent over the boat.

"Push" said Sunny.

"We can't do that" said Violet.

"Yes we can, Vi" I said. "He is the reason Issy is dead"

"I'm not the biggest fan of Count Olaf, but how when did he kill Isadora?"

"If he wasn't in the boat, there would be enough space for Issy" said Quigley.

"If he didn't set the fire we wouldn't be in this position in the first place" I said.

"We can't do it" said Violet and Klaus at the same time.

"Well, we can"

"Duncan's right. This might be our only chance to get rid of him"

Quigley and I slowly neared Count Olaf. Although, before we could push him off, he turned around. "Well, well, well, looks like a storm is brewing" he said, looking into the distance.

We turned around, and he was right. There was a storm brewing, right behind u

Massive waves formed in the distance, making their way towards us. The boat rocked. And everything went black.

I woke up some time later, on a beach. I woke everyone else up.

"We survived the storm" said Violet.

"I think so"

"Where are we?" asked Violet.

"We're on the coastal shelf on an island" said Quigley.

"Surrounded by a seawall" continued Klaus.

"The storm must have washed us over it" I said.

"Look what else washed over it"

"Count Olaf"

"I guess we didn't need to throw him overboard"

"Do you think hes's-"

Klaus was cut off by Count Olaf, unfortunately, waking up. "Get me a coffee, orphans! I've had a very rough night"

"We're on a coastal shelf" I said..

"There is no coffee"

"Don't be ridiculous! There's an espresso maker right over there, next to the girl in the robe"

"Castaways!" a young girl shouted.

"Don't be afraid. I'm Violet Baudelaire, and these are my siblings, Klaus and Sunny. And our friends Duncan and Quigley Quagmire"

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