Part 5 - Scream

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Day 19 on the island...

It was just like any other day. Wake up first, then wake Quigely, walk along beach, meet Baudelaire sisters, Quigely and Sunny go to help with lunch, games on the beach with Violet, see Klaus with Naomi.

"Klaus has been asking about you and Quigley" I said.

"I've told you. I'm not talking to him"

"I know but-"

"If he hadn't kissed Fiona. Isadora would be one of the first to get in that boat"

"I know what he did was wrong but we've all been through so much. You, Quigley and Klaus used to be friends. You three were all so close to Isadora, you shouldn't be ignoring him like this"

"You weren't there, Vi"

"I know"

"She was crying her eyes out, all because of him"

"I know. Do you think-"

There was a scream.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"It sounded like Naomi"


We left the tent and ran to find the source of the scream, nobody else was listening or even reacting to the scream. Quigley soon caught up to us, he told us Sunny was with Miranda and Friday Caliban.

Violet, Quigley and I kept running until we found Naomi, hiding behind a tree. She said that Count Olaf was there, he attacked her and Klaus, who told her to run. Violet asked where they were , and started running again the second Naomi pointed to the west.

It wasn't long before we found Klaus with Count Olaf.

"Are you okay?" Violet asked her brother, he nodded.

"Why are you here?" I asked Olaf.

"For my orphans, of course"

"Well, we aren't going with you" said Quigley.

"I do not get what goes on in my your stupid, little orphan heads. I have Klaus Baudelaire. I am being very generous by not killing him but if that's what it takes"

He grabbed Klaus.

"No!" Quigley and I shouted at the same time.

"Don't hurt him!" shouted Violet.

Then, like a flash, two islanders pushed past us and tackled Count Olaf to the ground. Klaus ran over to us and we all hugged each other.

Count Olaf was forced back into a cage and taken away.

After dinner, Quigley and I waved the Baudelaires goodnight, all of them, and went into our tent. Once we heard the last islander go to bed, we exited the tent and made our way to Count Olaf.

"Well, well, well" said Count Olaf after I pulled the cloth out of his mouth. "The Quagmire twins have come to pay me a visit"

"Never call us that again" Quigley said, freeing Count Olaf's arms. "We are and always will be triplets"

"Back when we got onto this island, you said that you knew things, secrets" I said.

"Oh, Yes. I know many secret that would interest you orphans. Some would make you cry, some would make you jump for joy and others would haunt you for the rest of your miserable little orphan lives"

"What are these secrets?"

"You'll find out, soon enough..."

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