Chapter Seventeen - Help

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I woke up suddenly to the sound of metal pots banging together. For a second, before my eyes adjusted to the light, I thought it was just a bad dream but when my eyes took in all of the light, I saw that it was not a nightmare - it was reality.

"Think it was a bad dream?" Count Olaf said.

I shook my brother awake and saw the flash of terror on his dace when he realised it wasn't a nightmare. Standing up, I took my brother's hand and insisted that we were leaving. Count Olaf chuckled and pointed at the door. It wasn't locked. Duncan and I walked out of the bedroom and into a beautiful living room/entrance area. I immediately knew where we were and that was even before she walked in carrying a tea set on a tray - we were in the dorm of Carmelita Spats. The henchpeople who were sitting on bright pink sofa's saw us then slowly stood up. Duncan and I ran to the front door and the henchpeople tripped over the excessive amount of furniture and toys and shoes that Carmelita had lying around. We could have gotten out but Carmelita stood in out way.

"Carmelita, please" Duncan pleaded.

"We'll do anything"


"Yes. You just have to let us out. Now"

"No I don't. I don't have to do anything, I'm Vice Principal Nero's favourite so that means-"

"Thank you Carmelita!" Count Olaf shouted, obliviously sick of her. He stood at the bedroom door as his accomplices caught up to us and say us down on one of the sofa's. Count Olaf sat opposite us and told all of his henchmen, except for the hook-handed man, and Camrelita to go and get ready for the tests.

"What are you going to do us?" Duncan asked.

"Oh you two. You see, unlike the Baudelaire's, your parents didn't exactly clarify what happens when one of their poor little children die aswell as themselves. So to get as many sapphires as possible, I have to keep both of you alive"

"We know this already" I said

"As for the Baudelaires, I can kill... most of them"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Oh, I would dare. Once the Baudelaires fail their tests, I will become their guardian again and I will hurt them like their parents hurt me! And when both of you come of age, you'll die too!"

"What did our parents do to you?" I asked.

"Not just me, they hurt Hooky too"

"What are you talking about?"

"That's a story for later. For now, I have to go and watch your friends fail out of school. You'll all be together again soon"

An hour later, me and Duncan had tried to escape three more times and failed Every. Single. Time. The hook-handed man was in the kitchen eating something and Duncan and I were still sitting on a sofa when the bald man and henchperson of indeterminate gender burst into the room and we were dragged out of the dorm and into Count Olaf's car, screaming, shouting, crying. Count Olaf was the last to get into the car and started driving immediately.

Duncan and I were screaming for the Baudelaires.

"We found the answers!"





"We found the book!"


"Can someone please shut those kids up?"

The hook-handed man pulled us down but I reached out of the window with the spyglass still in my hands, shouting "V.F.D." at the Baudelaires. But alas, the hook-handed man pulled me back by my collar and the spyglass broke in half. "Klaus" I breathed.

I looked out of the window of the rusty car. I heard a snivel and looked back at Duncan to see his eyes full of tears. I'm sure my eyes matched.

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