Chapter Sixty Four - Home?

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Emily and Elizabeth Lyons were silent for a while. Teddy asked Valerie and I if he could have a moment alone with his sisters, and while he talked to them I asked Valerie how she was doing. Her brother was the only person that Esme seemed like she wanted to hunt left. She said she was fine. I could tell she was troubled though.

I only got a hour or so sleep, Elizabeth and Emily keep having nightmares, just like Teddy usually did, but he couldn't sleep. That's another reason I didn't sleep, I was worrying about Teddy. He and his sisters went through thirteen months with Count Olaf and I couldn't survive a week without breaking a bone, and another bone, and receiving a head injury. 

In the morning, Esme let us out of the bedroom and got Emily to make her and Carmelita some food. Edwin, Elizabeth and I were sent to clean the whole penthouse. As for Vivian, she was taken from being locked in the bedroom to being locked in the library. It was like that for the entire day, until 3am when we finally finished cleaning all the rooms in the penthouse. Vivian was brought back to the bedroom half an hour after us and we were all soon asleep.

The next morning, I woke up in the van. Esme and Carmelita were in the front. Emily, Teddy, Elizabeth and Valerie were all asleep beside me. 

Not long after, the van stopped and Esme opened the back doors. 

"Welcome home, Isadora" she said.

The Beach House.

The next morning, I woke up after sleeping on the floor in the boiling hot room that Duncan, Quigley and I once slept in for two weeks. But even after everybody woke up, Esme didn't let us out of the room. The windows had been blacked out and boarded up before I arrived in the first place so we couldn't see if it was daytime but we were waiting a long time, it had to be daytime.

We had to pass the time somehow, the Lyons siblings told me their story, their whole story, without the burnt pages and crossed out sections.

When the Baudelaires, me and my brothers were in the V.F.D. headquarters, I separated the group and explored the wreak. I found a classroom and in one of the desks was a story, written by Emily Lyons, though I didn't know at the time. It told the story of how the Lyons home was burnt to the ground with both parents inside. The Lyons story was quite similar to the Baudelaires, they went to many different locations being chased by Count Olaf, Esme and their henchmen. But when they went to Prufrock Preparatory School, Count Olaf kidnapped them and took them away to an island. There were stuck there for thirteen months. One day, when Count Olaf was particularly angry, he swung a knife at Edwin. In a panic, they took the Lyons' back across the sea and to a hospital. They were found by V.F.D. and while the villains were put in prison, the Lyons' children were reunited with their father who survived the fire, unlike their mother. They moved to a secret location, and while the father was over protective and the younger two children were terrified, Emily returned to V.F.D. to complete her training with her boyfriend, Liam Pechman. Years after Emily finished her diary of sorts, the Lyons family added two members when Liam and Valerie's mother's died, and me and Duncan were sent to Prufrock Prep. A month (maybe two) later, Mr Lyons, Elizabeth. Edwin and Valerie were all in bed, and Emily was downstairs having a dinner date with Liam. Halfway through the main course, Liam and Emily smelt smoke. They hurried to find their siblings, splitting up in the process/ Emily found her sister, who told her that Valerie and Edwin had disappeared. In actual fact, Valerie and Edwin were the fist to leave the house and were looking for their siblings when all of a sudden they were grabbed and thrown into the van by Esme and Carmelita. By the time Emily and Elizabeth exited the house, Mr Poe had already arrived and escorted them to a separate area, away from Esme. According to Teddy and Valerie, they waited for Liam to come out for hours, but he never did. They were brought to 667 Dark Avenue and you probably already know the rest. As for Emily and Elizabeth, they were taken to Prufrock Prep by Mr Poe and made to go into a broom closet because a certain Count destroyed the Orphan Shack weeks ago. They were kidnapped by Esme not long after.As for Liam...

"We have no idea where he is, even if he's alive"

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