Chapter Seventy Two - News

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A month since Alice promised us she would help. That means she was lying. She promised it would be three weeks at most. I waited every day. Growing more and more annoyed at Klaus and Edwin who were non-stop arguing. It's like they found a new thing to fight about every day. Emily was normally the one to stop them fighting.

Finally, 32 days after her promise, Alice returned to the 'Hospital', with news.

"It's happening"

"What is happening, it has been a month and you haven't told us anything" said Emily

"V.F.D. is coming. I don't know exactly but when it does happen, be ready"

"How are we supposed to be ready for something and not know when it's happening?" said Klaus.

"Just have a plan in place"

"You mean not be injured, that would be a perfect plan"

"I'll speak to the others we can sort something out, thank you Alice"

"No problem, I'll see you all soon"

"I should be going too" Emily said once Alice had left. "Try and get some sleep, all of you. I mean it, don't stay up all night arguing"

"I feel like you aren't talking about Isadora" said Edwin.

"No, I'm not. Goodnight" Emily shut the door behind her and left the three of us, once more, alone.

"Emily's right. You two have to stop fighting all the time. We're all stuck here, so you two need to be civil at least, for my own sanity. If things were different, if the both of you were out and I was still stuck here, would you act like this? Because I know I wouldn't"

"But that won't happen" said Edwin.

"But if it did"

"It won't" said Klaus.

"Goodnight" I said.

Edwin kissed me goodnight and I got into my bed.

The next day, Emily came to us with the plan.

"When it happens, Isadora and Eddie, you need to help Klaus into a wheelchair or support him as you make your way along the hallway to the upstairs bathroom. We will all meet you there"

"How are we supposed to get out of here?"

"With my key, starting today. I'll leave it here"

And she did. That night, when she left the 'Hospital, she gave her brother the key and once again, we fell asleep.

But little did we know that that night, was The Night.

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