Chapter Forty Four - Alive

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"Ah, just the people we were talking about" said Esme. She leaned towards her boyfriend "I thought the baby was dead"

"So did I. Hooky, grab the orphans"

Fernald walked over to us, took hold of me and Duncan's collars then walked us over to the others.

"Our work is done here" said the Woman.

"We're taking your van" said the Man.

They both got into the van and drove away.

"So... What do we do with these volunteers then?" Esme asked.

"We could push them off the mountain!" said Carmelita.

"You're volunteers?" my brother asked.

"From the Volunteer Fire Department?" I continued.

"No. We aren't" said one of the masked people. He looked at the other two, all of them nodding.

They all reached up and took off their masks

"You're dead!" Count Olaf said. "And you're dead. And you!"

I stepped back and almost forgot that I was carrying Sunny. I put her down.

1) Violet Baudelaire. My best friend who I thought had dropped to her death no more than 24 hours before.

2)Klaus Baudelaire. My... I don't know what he was to me back then. I had so many feelings for him back then. I wanted to run and jump into him arms, so I did, or I tried to but tripped over because my leg was bandaged and was then seized by Count Olaf before I could reach him, but still...

3) Quigley Quagmire. My brother with the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face, and also the most tears. My lovely, intelligent, fearless, sweet, map-loving, daredevil brother.

I was speechless, utterly speechless.

"Let them go!" said Quigley

"No!" shouted Count Olaf

"Let them go!"


"Let them go"


There was a lot of back and forth from Quigley to Count Olaf to Quigley to Count Olaf to Quigley to Count Olaf, and so forth.

"We are not letting the Quagmire triplets go and that includes you Quigleforth"

"It's Quigley"

"Is it?"

"Yes... It is..."

"Now we get to kill the Baudelaires all over again!"

Violet and Klaus took a step back and Quigley took a step forward. He demanded that Count Olaf let us go but it was no use and he was ignored.

"I say you kill Violet, then you can break Klaus' glasses and watch him walk into things" said Carmelita

"Good point" smiled Esme

"But then we'd have to wait longer for the Baudelaire fortune" said Olaf

"Or you could kill Klaus, then you could pull Violet's hair"

"Again good point, adorable little girl"

"But you could always pull the Quagmire girls hair. There are valid reason to kill each one, but I wish there was a third option, that would only have positive outcomes"

"Three!" shouted Sunny "Escape!"

Everyone turned towards her. She had found the sled that the Man and the Woman had dragged up the mountain.

"Duncan. Remember what me and Liam did the night of the fire, to them" I said, quickly.

"Yes, why?"


Duncan stomped on Fernald's feet and I stomped on Count Olaf's. Me, Olaf and Fernald all cried out in pain.

"Issy!" Quigley said.

"I'm fine"

We all started making our way past the villains and towards Sunny and the sled. But as Duncan came back to help me, Esme grabbed us both and Count Olaf pulled out a knife and pointed it towards Violet, Klaus, Quigley and Sunny.

Esme bent down and looked at me and Duncan, with her gleaming, power-hungry eyes. "I would not leave if I were you children. If you go now, we are make you two and the rest of your orphan friends lives hell.You may think that your time with us had been bad so far. But I am worth something now, those two people who just left think that I am worthy of their attention. I promise that I will make you wish that you had died along with your parents. I'm sure you don't want to die now. You're poor, little, delicate, vulnerable orphans, anyone could see that by looking at you. Did you see how your brother looked at you? You're dirty. You're messy. You're not in at all. You're broken. Not to mention all the injuries you already have" she let go of us and pushed us towards the others. "Your choice, twins"

Broken - Isadora QuagmireWhere stories live. Discover now