Chapter Forty Nine - Medusoid Mycelium

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Count Olaf made us climb up to his submarine: The Carmelita. After the long climb, my leg ached and Olaf getting lost on his own submarine didn't make it any better.

After a long while, we entered 'The Rowing Room'. Inside the room there was two benches with all the Snow Scouts sitting on them, also Phil for some reason, and controlling the tentacles of the octopus-shaped submarine. Esme and Carmelita were also there. Esme was wearing an octopus costume. Carmelita was wearing a veterinarian costume, a tutu and fairy wings.

Count Olaf turned to me and Duncan. "Which one of these Snow Scouts is your friend?"

"What are you talking about?" Duncan asked.

"You know very well what he is talking about" said Esme.

I did know who he was talking about, Valerie. But I wouldn't tell them.

"No, we don't" I said.

"Well, let's see if Hooky can get it out of you"

Count Olaf took us all the way to the brig of the Carmelita.

"Welcome to the brig, orphans" he said before slamming the door and locking it.

"Klaus!" said Violet. She ran up and hugged him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's Sunny. She's been infected by the Medusoid Mycelium"

"Did you tell Count Olaf?" I asked.

"He didn't care"

"We've broken out of prison before" said Klaus.

"This is a submarine Klaus, not a jailhouse made of brick and mortar"

"There has to be some-"

"Going somewhere?" Fernald asked, walking into the room. "I'm not gonna sugarcoat this, orphans. I'm here to torture you"

"You can torture us all you want"

"I am gonna torture you all I want"

"We don't know where the sugar bowl is, and we don't care"


"Shh! Now, the boss has questions, and so do I. Why were you on the Queequeg? What are you playing at? Where's the baby?"

"She's in bed"

"She's sick"

"If we don't get her back to the Queequeg, she'll die"

"I don't have time for tricks!"

Sunny started coughing and Fernald pushed us out of the way as he made his way to Sunny. "I saved your life on that mountain, baby, and the boss has made me suffer for it. But I think that suffering is like a family dinner. It should be shared"

Sunny continued coughing and I put my arm around Klaus.

"Let me just take off that stupid helmet"

"No!" Klaus, Violet, Duncan, Quigley and I all shouted at the same time.

"She's infected with the Medusoid Mycelium. Do you know how dangerous that fungus is? Oh, no. The spores are already taking root in her throat!" said Fernald

"We have to get out of here!"

"You have to help us, please! She's our sister"

"It's gonna be okay" Fernald said to Sunny as he picked her up and showed us the way to the Queequeg. "The rowing room is around the curve to the right. From there, it's a series of confusing twists and turns that took me hours and hours of walking to memorize. Right, then left, then another right, then right again, then two more lefts and you'll be back at the Queequeg"

"That's right, left, right, right, left, left" Klaus, Duncan and Quigley all said.

"Show-off" I whispered to Klaus.

"Don't think this means I'm on your side, orphans. You rotten brats have made my life miserable. Every time we fail to get your fortune, Count Olaf yells at me.

"You're the one who makes our lives miserable!"

"Count Olaf performs terrible schemes, and you help him!"

"Let's just agree to disagree"

We hit a fork in the path and Fernald went to check if the coast was clear. But ran into Count Olaf. Then after Fernald distracted Count Olaf, we continued down the path he told us to go until we reached the rowing room.

"For my third number, I'm going to twirl around while you clap as hard as you can!" said Carmelita.

"Carmelita, please" a Snow Scout said

"We've been rowing for hours" said another, whom I recognised from Prufrock Prep.

"My hands are too sore to clap"

"After we save Sunny, we have to help those kids" Duncan said.

"We have to get past Carmelita and Esme first" I said.

"We need to create a distraction to get back to the Queequeg" said Violet

"Then once Sunny's safe, we can find a way to free those Snow Scouts" said Klaus

"Maybe we can do both. We need to create a sea monster"

"C is for cute. A is for adorable. R is for ravishing. M is for gorgeous. E is for extra-gorgeous. L is for lovable. I is for I'm the best. T is for talented. And A is for a tap-dancing ballerina Fairy princess veterinarian!"

While I cringed listening to Carmelita's song, Violet had been creating a distraction and once Carmelita had sang the last note, the screeching began.

"What's that noise?" asked a Snow Scout.

"That noise is Carmelita's singing voice, and it's extremely pleasant. Wait I hear something now"

"It sounds like an alarm"

"We're under attack!" -

"Mommy!" Carmelita wailed.

It's the Great Unknown!" said Phil.

Snow Scouts started panicking.

"You will not abandon ship!" shouted Esme.

"She said abandon ship!" Violet called.

The Snow Scouts ran around and around. Klaus, Quigley and Violet (carrying Sunny) ran past all the Snow Scouts but Duncan and I stayed behind and not long after, we saw her.

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