Chapter Fifty Nine - Lost

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My name is Isadora Quagmire, and today I lost everything.

I was writing the last chapter of Broken, or what I wished was the last chapter, and Esme unlocked the door, telling us we had to pack up all of her and Carmelita's things. Because of how amazing my brothers are, they told me they would do all of the work while I finished writing.

Then around half an hour later, at 3pm, Esme and Carmelita re-entered the hotel room and before they left again, Carmelita spat at me and that's when it clicked. They were working with Count Olaf! Again! The previous night, the reason that Olaf and Esme 'broke up' was because he wouldn't teach Carmelita how to spit and now after leaving for half an hour, they were happy and, more importantly, Carmelita could spit.

As I made this revelation, I gasped, dropped my commonplace book and knocked over a glass vase. Esme heard me though and she dragged me out of the room kicking and screaming.

I was taken upstairs and the Woman soon arrived.Half an hour later, I started running to the door. It was locked so I reached for probably the best thing I could imagine: a fire extinguisher.

I swung the fire extinguisher at the Woman's head and she collapsed to the ground. Then I broke down the door and dropped the fire extinguisher on the ground before screaming for help.

Someone called back at me. It was Valerie. She was at Count Olaf's trial with Liam and Emily Lyons. I saw them and started running to the elevator but then I saw my brothers on the level below me, tied to chairs. So, I headed for the stairs instead.

Before long, I had reached my brothers and started untying Duncan.

"Isadora. What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing. Help me with Quigley" I said.

"Issy, are you sure?"

"I'm fine, Quigley!"

Duncan and I untied Quigley and we ran to the elevator. It reached the seventh floor and the doors opened, revealing the Baudelaires, Count Olaf and Justice Strauss.

"Quagmires! The building is on fire!" said Violet.

"Fire, again?" I said.

"You have to come with us!" said Klaus.

I didn't want to go with Klaus, not after he kissed Fiona and betrayed me. But I went into the elevator anyway and Quigley told Justice Strauss to run, after he'd pushed her out.

The elevator soon reached the roof. Count Olaf cut open a beach ball and inside was the sample of Medusoid Mycelium, he decided to save it for another time. And my best friend sprung into action, she pulled a tarp down, then she and her brother got into the Carmelita (a boat that Esme and Olaf got Carmelita) and they attached the tarp to the oarlocks on the boat.

I had to make sure everyone was safe before me and Olaf got into the boat because of his own greed. They were all crammed in.

"You are not leaving with my sapphires!" said Esme, she looked extremely angry and held a gun, pointing it at me. Then Carmelita came out of nowhere and grabbed me.

"Let go of her!" Duncan, Quigley and Klaus all shouted, but I knew what I had to do.

"Stop, please, just stop" I said to them. "I won't fit in that boat aswell"

"Be quiet, Isadora. You could die and we won't let that happen" said Quigley.

"I'm sorry, Duncan, Quigley, Baudelaires, but if it means you will all live, then it's a risk I'm willing to take"

"You're being ridiculous, Isadora" Duncan said.

"Take these" I said. I got the three 'Broken' commonplace books out of my pocket. I threw them to Duncan but I hit Quigley instead.

"You really do have terrible aim" Klaus said. I threw him Fiona's letter and he caught it. I was aiming for his head.

The Carmelita started tipping over the edge.

"I love you" I said, then they tipped over the edge and I lost absolutely everything. I fell to the ground and screamed.

"Where do you think you're going?" said Esme when I started walking away.

"There's a fire, Esme. I need to get out of here"

Carmelita looked over the edge. "Mommy! The fire!" she said.

"Get me and my daughter out of here, orphan"

I heard screams and coughing while we journeyed down the stairs, and sirens. Soon enough, the sirens were the only way I knew where to go. I guided Esme and Carmelita through the smoke and finally, out of the Hotel Denouement. That is when I got my first glimpse of the damage that the fire had already caused. There was fire engines everywhere, ambulances everywhere, police vehicles everywhere, people were crying, people were coughing, people were screaming. I disbanded from Esme and Carmelita and started looking into the ocean for my brothers and the Baudelaires.

"That's my boat!" Carmelita cried.

"Well, that's my family" I said.

"There's no time to cry, darlings" said Esme. "We need to go home, it isn't in to be covered in soot"

That night, I slept in the bedroom that the Baudelaires once shared at 667 Dark Avenue. It was a nice room, very in, it had a comfy bed and air conditioning but I couldn't sleep. Sure, I escaped the fire and wasn't hurt in the chaos. But I'm still a prisoner and now I've been separated from my brothers and the Baudelaires. There was a storm tonight, literally and figuratively. I don't know if my family are safe or even if they are alive but I do know that I will find my way back to them and I will never give up, no matter what.

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