Chapter Five - Again

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I fell asleep almost immediately, again. But I was woken up around 15 minutes later, again. By a distraught Duncan, again. He yanked me out of bed, again.

"What's wrong?" I asked, again.

"There's a fire" he said, again.



Suddenly, the door burst open, Liam and Valerie appeared at the other side, the latter clinging onto her brother.

"Quagmires!" said Liam.

"What's happening Liam?" Duncan frantically asked.

"I think you know perfectly well what's happening Duncan" Liam walked to the window and Valerie put her arms around me.

"What are we going to do?" Valerie cried.

"Exactly what we've been trained to do. The fire services are arriving, both of them"

"What do you mean?" Duncan asked.

"We're going to carefully make our way out of the building" Liam said. He led us down the corridor, past Valerie's bedroom, past his bedroom, past the stairs, towards Aunt Agnes' bedroom. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He tried again

"It's locked" my brother said.

"Where's Mom?" Valerie questioned.

"It's fine Val, she's probably already left the building"

We went down the stairs and I saw a narrow but clear path towards the door but as I started walking towards it, Liam started walking in the opposite direction.

"Liam! Where are you going?" I coughed, following him.

We passed the library which was engulfed in flames, and the source of the fire. and entered the kitchen. The flames were spreading quickly and Liam closed the door. He went into the biscuit tin and retrieved the two items he had placed inside it earlier that day. I now know that they were spyglasses that almost all members of a secret organisation carried around with them, but at that time I was completely clueless when Liam put his and his sister's spyglasses into his pyjama pocket. There was a loud bang.

"Can we go now?" Duncan coughed.

"You didn't have to follow me, come on" he walked to the door and tried to open it, it wouldn't open, he tried again, and again, and again.

"We're not trapped in here..." I muttered

"No, we're not" Liam said. He grabbed a stool and after telling me, Duncan and Valerie to stand back, he smashed a window open and helped us all out. I walked around the building with my brother, Liam and Valerie, to where the emergency services were waiting.

Again, paramedics ran over to us, dragging us off in different directions. Although this time, I didn't discover that my paramedics were evil villains. While they were checking I was okay, I heard a scream. I abandoned the paramedics and ran to find the source of the scream.


"Duncan! Was it you who was screaming?" I asked.

Another scream.

"Obviously not" he took my hand and we ran until we found Liam holding a distraught, screaming Valerie.

I asked Liam what was wrong, he pointed up and there she was. Aunt Agnes standing at her bedroom window looking drown at us, she smiled and walked out of view. Valerie and Liam dell to the ground. I began, I knew how they felt, not exactly but enough. I had just lost both of my parents and a brother in a terrible fire. They and just lost both of their parents in one day, again. Their home had been burnt down in a fire, again. They had nowhere to go, again.

"Well, well, what an unfortunate situation" a voice said from behind us. They were here, again. The man grabbed Liam and Valerie. The woman grabbed onto me and Duncan. We were all struggling but they were stronger. We were nearing their van when the woman fell to the ground. She stood us and we turned around.

"Emily!" Liam said. His girlfriends stood there, spyglass in hand, frozen still, she stared at the two villains as her boyfriend said "what are you doing here?"

"S...S...Saving...Saving you?" she stuttered.

"Been a while, Lyons" said the woman, pushing me and Duncan to the ground as she took a step closer to the girl.

"Where are your idiotic sibling?" asked the man, pushing Liam and Valerie to the ground.

"I would never tell you"

"So that's not them over there?" the woman smiled, pointing to Emily's younger brother and sister who were looking around.

"Olaf lost you before but we won't make the same mistakes he did" the man insisted as he grabbed Emily's arm.

I felt something in my pocket and a sudden rush of confidence came over me, I grabbed the weird object that me and my brother found in the ruins of our parents home and I hit the woman's leg. Liam saw what I did and hit the mam, they both fell to the ground and we ran, all five of us just ran. Until we got to Emily's siblings who were talking to a pregnant woman.

"Emily, where did you go?" asked her brother.

"They were here..." said Emily

"Who were?" asked the pregnant woman.

"Them" said Liam

"Where did they go?" the pregnant woman asked.

"They were back there" Liam pointed and the woman started to run towards where we just were. "Kit!" she turned back "be careful" Liam said. She nodded and ran off.

"What's going on?" I asked "do you know those people?"

"There's something that we need to tell you" said Liam.

But before he could say anything else a woman shouted for us to stand back. We turned around, looking towards the house and the flame-engulfed mansion collapsed destroying everything inside.

Hours later, after Emily was forced to leave, Mr Poe appeared behind us and he drove us away. Again. I had no idea what was coming next. Again.

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