Chapter Six - Where Next?

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My first impression of Mulctuary Money Management was not ideal. It was a tall, bland building, filled with bland people. It was now 3pm and we had been in Mr Poe's office for 4 hours. The office was messy, gray and, well, bland.

Liam and Valerie had stopped crying about 30 minutes after we had arrived and they were now talking to Mr Poe's secretary, Jacquelyn Scieszka. Meanwhile, Mr Poe was calling many, many people trying to make arrangements for me, Duncan, Liam and Valerie. Me and Duncan just sat, observing what was going on in the bank and whispering amongst ourselves.

"Hey Duncan, have I seen those people before?" I asked, pointing to the many pictures of three children that Mr Poe had taped onto all of his walls.

"They're the Baudelaire's" my brother said, turning to a page in his commonplace book "their parents died in..."

"In what? Wait, don't say..."

"A fire. Their parents perished in a fire"

I stood up and walked over to the photos. "Why do you think there's photos of them everywhere?"

I turned around and there was a flash. "They went missing!" Mrs Poe exclaimed.

Mr Poe finally hung up his phone and stood up "I have finally made arrangements for you four orphans" he announced.

After saying goodbye to Jacquelyn, we all left and got into Mr Poe's car. He sat in the drivers seat, with his wife beside him and they made me, Duncan and the Pechman's (Liam and Valerie) squash together in the back. The drive was about 45 minutes long and when we reached the destination, I was surprised. It was just a café. Just a cute little café.

As I entered the café, the strong smell of coffee immediately greeted me. Mr Poe and Mrs Poe sat a table and the Pechman's asked me and Duncan if we wanted a drink. We politely declined but still we still went with them.

"Hello I'm Larry Your Waiter" said the man behind the counter.

"I thought you were scuba diving" said Liam.

"I leave tomorrow. What would you like to order?"

"I'll have a tea and a hot chocolate for my sister" said Liam. He turned to me and Duncan "are you sure that you don't want anything?" he asked.

"I'll have a glass of water" I said

"I'll have one too" my brother said.

Larry went to go and get our drinks and Liam turned to us. "Whatever happens today, it'll be okay"

"What are you talking about?"

"This isn't a normal café Quagmires. It is one of the last safe meeting place for a..."

"A tea for Liam, a got chocolate for Valerie and two waters for the Quagmire triplets, Isadora and Duncan" Larry said passing us our drinks.

"You know our names?" questioned my brother.

"Of course I know your names" he replied, receiving a confused look from Duncan and I. Liam and Valerie smiled at him and us. I was about to ask how and why Larry knew our names when Mr Poe called us over

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