Chapter Thirty Nine - No...

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"Olivia. Was that?"

"I don't know"

We saw Esme leave Madame Lulu's tent carrying Sunny and hid behind a rubbish bin.

"Klaus and Violet have to be in there" I said.

"I agree"

The second we stepped into the tent, we saw something alarming. Violet and Klaus (still in the Beverly and Elliot disguise) were setting fire to the Incomplete History of Secret Organisations with Count Olaf.

Olaf turned around and saw us. "Well, if it isn't the Quagmire murderers"

"What are you doing?" I said to Klaus.

"I just recruited these two freaks into my troupe and they are helping me set this carnival on fire. So you can either burn to death like your brother or you can go get into the van and look after little baby Chabo"

There was so much fire and smoke in the air when we exited Madame Lulu's tent.

"Mr Poe's over there. We could try to tell him the truth"

"Did that ever work for the Baudelaires? And anyway, we can't leave Sunny"

We walked around the big top and saw that all of Count Olaf's henchmen were crowded around the long black automobile

"What happened?" asked Count Olaf when he saw his car.

"Why don't you ask them?" said Esme.

"You broke my car"

"We did what we had to do to escape"

"And look where you are now"

Esme gave Sunny to Duncan and we climbed into the van, followed by Fernald, the bald henchman, the white faced women, Hugo, Kevin and then Colette.

Klaus and Violet arrived at the van and Count Olaf pointed to the souvenirs caravan.

"You two will ride in that" he said "you can attach it to the van since the orphans think its funny to smash the windows of my car and break a tire"

"There's room in here" I said.

"If we just move these boxes the-"

"We need those boxes" said Count Olaf before closing the back doors of the van.

I don't know who it was but almost immediately someone put their hand over my mouth and I was knocked out cold.

Duncan and I woke up at the same time. I opened my eyes then he opened his. We stayed looking at each other for a second then shot up. It was so cold.

"Colette! Kevin! Hugo!" I shouted.

"What are you doing?"

"Beverly, Elliot, press the red button and speak to me" said Count Olaf.

"We're here" said Violet in her Beverly voice.

"Look out the window" Olaf said into the walkie-talkie

Me and my brother were trying to fight our way to Kevin, Hugo and Colette who were using knifes to cut through the rope that tied the caravan (that Klaus and Violet were in) to the van, it was no use. So I tried to grab the walkie talkie off of Count Olaf but he pushed me back and I fell into Duncan.

Olaf told Klaus and Violet that we told him that they were the Baudelaires in disguise and then the rope broke. Klaus and Violet were descending to their doom and I could do nothing to help.

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