Chapter Thirty Two - Long Way Down

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Five minutes later, Duncan was sitting on a bed with his head in his hands and facing away from the monitor. I, on the other hand, was watching closely, I couldn't look away. My friend was just lying there as the crowd gathered around the roof, they all stopping talking, though, when Count Olaf and Esme arrived with Klaus.

"Hello Heimlich Hospital!" said Count Olaf. He talked to the crowd for a while and I just focused on Klaus. He looked so frightened. "I am the famous Dr Desmond Doctorman! And these are my associates"

"Dr Flacutona" said the henchman with hooks for hands.

"Dr Tocuna" said the bald henchman.

"Nurse Lucafont" said Count Olaf's henchperson who was neither a man nor a woman.

Then Esme said , "I am Nurse Evangeline Scarlett Myra Esmeralda-".

"Also we have two nurses on the ground, waiting to check the body!" He looked into the camera "Also to guard all the doors in case any patients try to escape...And of course the man who will be preforming this experiment, the marvellous Dr... what was it again?"asked Olaf.

"Dr...Dr... Dr Aridosa"

Count Olaf explained the experiment to the crowd who listened in excitement. Klaus, or Dr Aridosa, was going to push Violet off of the roof - that's really it. Count Olaf said that the patient, Violet, was too smart and according to a popular phrase, people who are dropped on their heads as a baby are stupid. Since Violet was still a child, it might work. It was a ridiculous logic, anyone could see through it, except almost everyone in existence. Count Olaf introduced Klaus again and by this time, Esme and all of Olaf's henchmen, that were on the roof, had strapped the unconscious Violet into a hand truck, that is normally used to move boxes.

"Before... Before I continue with this very important experiment, I think I should talk a little about the equipment we are using"

"It's just a hand truck" said Count Olaf.

"Yes but..." Klaus stalled for a long while, talking about the hand truck and what it was made of, I had no idea what he was saying though.

Eventually, Count Olaf got fed up "what a lengthy and useless explaination, but now its time for the show to start!"

The crowd cheered and Duncan came and sat beside me.

"They can't. They just can't" he said.

"Yes, all these lovely people will understand the experiment better when they've seen it happen" said Esme.

Without warning, the crowd then started chanting "do it, do it, do it!" they kept chanting and chanting and chanting and chanting and chanting and chanting until "STOP!" screamed Klaus.

"I cannot preform this operation" he said.

"And why not?" demanded Olaf.

"There is one more thing to be done, the most important thing we do here at Heimlich Hospital" said Klaus.

"And what might that be?" asked Count Olaf.

"Paperwork. We've forgotten the paperwork" laughed Klaus in his Dr Aridosa voice.

"Paperwork, yes of course!" said Mr Poe who was in the crowd and still oblivious to the fact that me, Violet, Duncan, Klaus and Sunny were all in Heimlich Hospital (the Baudelaires right in front of him) and in grave danger.

"Somebody call Hal!" shouted a random nurse in the crowd.

"I will, I'll go get him right now"

The crowd started murmuring among themselves including Olaf's henchmen; Esme took of her weapon shoes and walked away from the sides to talk to Count Olaf and Klaus. I don't know what they were saying but it resulted in Klaus giving Esme the Snicket File, to her disgust. Count Olaf grabbed the Snicket File off of Esme and smiled.

"Attention! Attention! It has come to my attention that this man is an impostor" the crowd gasped "he isn't a doctor at all, He's a child!" exclaimed Count Olaf ripping off Klaus' fake beard.

"Oh my gosh! It's that Baudelaire boy! Can you believe it!"

Esme ripped the covering off of the trolley that Klaus was pushing, revealing Sunny. "And the baby too!" she said.

Mr Poe finally realised that the Baudelaires were there and said "Baudelaires, your not doctors!"

"No, they're murderers. They killed Count Olaf" shouted Olaf.


"He, He's a very handsome actor.." said Count Olaf. Then realising his plan was starting to fail again, he ran.

The crowd surrounded Klaus and Sunny.

"We didn't kill anyone!" Klaus said "Dr Desmond Doctorman is actually Count Olaf and he tried to push Violet off the roof!"

"Don't be ridiculous. You're the one in charge of this experiment and you were the one about to push the patient off the roof" said Esme.


"Violet" Duncan sighed.

"Violet" said Klaus, he untied her from the hand truck.

Hal appeared on the roof and accused the Baudelaires of stealing his keys and destroying the Library of Records. The crowd closed in on the three Baudelaires and even though I couldn't see their faces, I knew all of Olaf's henchmen (and Esme) were smiling. The siblings ran to the sides and Klaus picked up one of Esme's shoes and pointed them at the audience.

"Stay back!" he shouted.

"What are you doing Blaus Kaudelaire?" I whispered.

"Attention! Attention! This is Dr Desmond Doctorman! I have some important news to share with you all! A terrible fire has broken out! The fire was set in the Library of Record by the Baudelaire murders! Please arrest them and bring them to me! Dr Desmond Doctorman! Oh, and if you want, you can move the patients. Goodnight Heimlich Hospital!"

On the monitor, the Baudelaire siblings ran to the door and disappeared out of sight.

In room 666, Duncan ran to the door and tried to break it down - he failed, but tried again.

We were stuck in a fire again, again.

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