Chapter Sixty - What Would They Do?

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For the next five days, my days have consisted of:

7:00am = woken up by Carmelita, though she has become nicer

7:30am = start making breakfast

7:40am = breakfast ready, take to Esme and Carmelita in the semi formal dining room, eat in my bedroom

8:00am = clean all dishes

8:15am - 5:00pm = working, cleaning, watching Carmelita's recitals, making snacks

5:00pm = start making evening meal

5:45pm = meal ready, take to Esme and Carmelita in the semi formal dining room, eat alone in my bedroom

6:30 = clean dishes

6:45 - whenever Esme goes to bed = working

But earlier today, Day 6, something changed. I woke up, as normal#, with Carmelita's singing. I used an in cookbook to cook and in breakfast. I served it, ate on my own, and cleaned the dishes. Then when I was putting the dishes away, Esme walked in with Carmelita at her side, terrified but hiding it from her 'mother'.

"We are leaving" Esme announced "and you will stay here"

"Where are you going?" I asked.


"Out where?"

"Out for some mother-daughter bonding time. We will be back in a few days at most" Esme said.

After locking each and every door and window in the penthouse, they left. I was all alone. For the first time in forever, it is just me, in my putrid pink pinstripe dress that Esme forced me to put on, nobody else. My first thought? I have to escape.

What Would Duncan Do? Make sure all the doors were definitely locked.
What Would Klaus Do? Research another way out.
What Would Sunny Do? Bite her way through the door, most likely.
What Would Quigley Do? Look for blueprints.
What Would Violet Do? Invent a way out.
What Did I Do? Smash the window open.

I admit, it's not the smartest thing I've ever done as now I'm sitting writing this in the cold but I'm sure it'll work out okay, I hope. Luckily, by the time I had smashed the window open Esme and Carmelita were long gone but my troubles are far from over, I leaned out of the window and saw the long drop below. There was no way I could survive that. So, I got busy. I had probably searched the entire penthouse two times over, not including the many locked rooms for obvious reason, when I finally found something useful: an extremely large fishing net.

The Baudelaires had told me about how they were going to escape their deceased Aunt Josephine's house; by using a fishing net to climb down the cliff that used to hold Josephine's house up (before it fell off said cliff). I decided I could do the same.

Along with the fishing net, I needed some scissors to make a starting cut in the net, some way to keep the net from falling as I climbed down, and I also needed to find out how to tie Violet's trustworthy devil's tongue knot.

I grabbed a pair of scissors from one of the kitchen drawers. I dragged a very large and very heavy statue of Esme to the living room. I found the blueprints of 667 Dark Avenue. Then I went into the library and found a book on Female Finish Pirates. I gathered all these items together and brought them back to the living room.

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