Chapter Fifty Six - Hotel Denouement

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After a quick, and very threatening, talk from Count Olaf, we entered the Hotel Denouement. It was beautiful, but we didn't get to see it for long as almost immediately, Esme shoved me and my brothers into an elevator and we rose to the top of the hotel, the rooftop sunbathing salon.

Carmelita joined us on the roof about five minutes later, with a boat, I don't know why. She sat on a deckchair next to Esme, who was talking to Vice Principal Nero and Mrs Poe. We didn't even try to get help from either of them, there was no point. Me and my brothers just sat on deckchairs and tried to block out Carmelita's singing. 

Not long after, Esme said she was sick of us and took us down to room 954, which was a restaurant. Mr Poe was in there but he didn't notice us as all, even when we told him who we were. Count Olaf came out of the kitchen and dragged us out of the room and into the elevator once more. 

We went down to the second floor, and along to the sauna room. Count Olaf told us to stay in the locker room and went into the sauna dressed in a suit, appropriate clothes of course. A minute after Olaf entered the sauna, a concierge exited the sauna and ran out of the locker room. 

"Did you two see him?" I asked.

"No we-" I ran out of the room halfway through Duncan's sentence.

I looked to the left, I looked to the right and there he was.





It was like a fantasy where the two separated lovers finally see each other again and they run towards each other in slow motion then meet together and kiss. I was so happy. 

"It is peculiar too see a concierge that close with one of our guests" said a man at the end of the hallway. He wore a black suit with a red tie.

I unfortunately must write that Count Olaf caught me again. The second Klaus looked away from me, I was grabbed and took back up to the sunbathing salon with Duncan and Quigley. At this time, Esme and Carmelita were the only two people there. 

We spent hours on the rooftop then at 8pm, Esme and Carmelita took us to the hotel room, room 747. Then we were shut in a closet, the same very closet I am writing this from, while they went for food and we planned our escape.

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