Chapter Thirty Seven - Librarian

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"There you are! How long does it take to threaten to kill two children?"

"A long time when they're asleep"

"Don't talk back to me! Tie them up!"

The hook-handed man handcuffed Duncan and I to a table and left the tent.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You'll have to ask Olaf when he gets back"

"Where is he?"

"He's... here"

Duncan and I turned our heads, Count Olaf stormed into the tent.

"What's going on, Olaf?" asked my brother.

"Why don't you tell me?"

"Because we don't know" I said.

"When were you two going to tell me about your friends?". That's when it clicked in my head, he knew about the Baudelaires. "I see it in your face, Isadora, you know"

"What do you know?" Duncan asked.

"I know nothing, I have no idea what's going on!"


"I'm not lying!"

"Shut up! Just... Just shut up! Stop lying and shut up!"

"Isadora, what do you know?" my brother whispered.

"I said shut up!" Count Olaf curled his hand in a fist and swung at my brother.

"Stop! Don't hurt him!"

"Tell your brother what you know, Isadora"

"I can't, I, I'm too tired"

"We should let them get some sleep, Olaf. After tomorrow they may never sleep again. And I need my beauty sleep"

It had been four hours. Count Olaf and Esme had gone to sleep. Duncan had fallen asleep too with his head resting on me, which made what I was trying to do harder. When I knew that Olaf and Esme were asleep, I got one of the hairpins that I took from backstage the day before and I started picking the lock. When it clicked open, I shook Duncan awake and whispered to him what I had done.

"Genius" he said.

"We need to be quiet and make our way to the Baudelaires"

"The Baudelaires? They're here"

"Beverly, Elliot and Chabo"

"I can't believe it"

"I was shocked too, but we need to go"

We left the tent and started walking towards the roller coaster, where the Baudelaires said they were going yesterday when I heard them, but they weren't there.

"They've probably gone to find us in the Freaks Caravan" I said.

We started making our way to the Freaks Caravan. Then, out of nowhere, two arms pulled me and my brother inside another tent.

"Madame Lulu!" I breathed, shocked.

"Children! I'm so glad you two are okay!"

"What are you talking about?"

She took off her nose ring, and her turban, and her wig.

"Olivia!" said Duncan.

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