Chapter Twenty One - The In Auction

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The journey to Veblen Hall was dark and bumpy and took way too long. Quigley once took a map from Father's drawer of the city, on it there was a line connecting 667 Dark Avenue and Veblen Hall. The map was immediately taken away from Quigley by Father and he was told to never go through the drawer again. Anyway while he had the map, Quigley worked out the walk from 667 Dark Avenue to Veblen Hall only took at most ten minutes. This ran through my head when we entered the second hour of the white faced women rolling the cage along to Veblen Hall, how could they get so lost.

"Quigley would be disgusted if he was here" I said.

"You remembering the map aswell?" Duncan asked.

"Yes. At most ten minutes Quigley said. It's been two hours"

"I'm seriously about to help them, nobody is will ever be as good as Quigley was with maps but nobody should be this bad"

I laughed.

We finally arrived at Veblen Hall ten minutes later. The white faced ladies opened the door of the cage and Duncan and I climbed up the ladder. The other henchmen were there setting up fro the In Auction. We were sat down on two of the chairs and once they all left to make sure all the items were there, I hurriedly looked around the room, trying to find a way to escape. I saw the door and Duncan did too, so we made a run for it but Esme gripped onto my shoulders right away.

"All the exits are being guarded" Esme said as she walked in with Count Olaf.

"Oh orphans, you really learned nothing at that austere boarding school, I will always...". Just as I didn't write down all of Carmelita's terrible songs, I have decided to not write down Count Olaf's victory speeches because they are long, tiresome and boring. They mostly always start the same, have the same middle and the same end, and they are always mostly him boasting about himself. Eventually, Count Olaf finished his speech and we were stuffed into a statue of a red herring, which had even less space than the cage.

After hearing about 48 other in objects, the red herring was rolled onto the stage. Duncan and I screamed for help but nobody could hear us. I heard the henchperson of indeterminate gender buy the statue for an "indeterminate amount of money" and shook my head in disbelief.

I felt the herring being lifted up and strapped onto the car and screamed for help.

I heard Count Olaf slam the car door shut and screamed for help.

I felt the car start speeding and screamed for help.

I heard the Klaus shout my name in the distance and screamed for him.

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