Chapter Sixty Three - Birthday

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Valerie and Emily Lyons'  younger brother sat in the back corner of the elevator, I recognised him from his hair. Esme walked out of the elevator first and she didn't even have to say anything before I started walking back into the penthouse, but Jerome and Charles held me back.

I don't think I should waste energy writing another threat from Esme, but know that she did threaten us, and we did go back into the penthouse.

I don't know what happened to Jerome and Charles, Esme locked them in the library while she and Carmelita took us back up to my bedroom and locked Valerie, me and Emily's younger brother inside. Shouting could be heard but I couldn't make out any words. The other two were covered in soot and cried for a long while. We weren't let out for a long while either.

A week later.

I had grown incredibly close with Edwin. I had told him all about my brothers and he told me about his sisters. We had even given each other special nicknames, he was commonly known as Ed by his friends and family, just like his sisters were called Em (Emily) and El (Elizabeth). And I was known by my family as Issy, though I didn't like to be called it anymore. So he called me Dora and I called him Teddy. He was very scared, all the time, I knew what happened to him and his sisters, I did find Emily's journal after all, but I didn't want to bring it up in front of him.

Esme brought us out everyday to cook and clean, just like when my brothers and I stayed at the beach house.

That day was Teddy's birthday. We couldn't do anything to celebrate it, because we've been kidnapped, but we secretly made him a small cake and when Esme dismissed us for the night, we snuck it into the bedroom before she could lock the door.

Later that night, when exactly half of the cake had been eaten, it was completely silent. Valerie, Teddy and I were all just thinking. Then I heard something, shuffling, squeaking, crying.

"What was that?" I said.

"You heard it too?" asked Teddy.

"So did I" said Valerie.

Soon, the bedroom door unlocked and Esme came through the door.

"Celebrating without me?"

"What do you want, Esme?" asked Valerie.

"I just wanted to wish our dear, what do you call him, Teddy? A happy birthday"

"What do you really want?" I asked.

"Just to deliver two gifts, Carmelita! Bring them in!"

Pushed through the door by Carmelita Spats came Elizabeth Lyons clinging onto her older sister.

"We'll find Liam soon enough" said Esme.

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