Chapter Sixty Five- Happily.....

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"He's not dead, my brother would know better than to die"

"Plus, Esme is still looking for him, that's got to mean something, right?

"Isadora, if he's alive, why hasn't he come for us?" said Teddy

"I thought the same thing about Klaus, I thought he as going to find me and we were going to put Count Olaf in prison then live happily..." I saw Teddy's face and couldn't continue. "But what he did was wrong, I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him. Liam's different though, we only spent a couple of days together and he treated me like a sister"

"Maybe someone's stopping him from rescuing us"

"What do you mean, El?" said her brother.

"What if Count Olaf got to him first?"

"If Count Olaf was back on land we'd know by now. My brothers would be in here with us"

"So would the Baudelaires"

"Teddy, I've told you before. Klaus and me, it's over. How could I be with someone I hate so much?"

Hours later, probably the next morning, we woke up and there he was.

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