Chapter Thirty Three - Fire

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Duncan kept running into the door. He was hurting himself.

"Duncan, stop. Stop!"

He turned around "we can't die like this. I'm not dying a prisoner"

"Duncan! What else can we do?"

My brother sat next to me and put his arm around me. "The Baudelaires will find us. I know it. I just know it, any second now"

Ten seconds passed.

Thirty seconds passed.

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Three minutes passed and the lock clicked open.

"Baudelaires!" Duncan jumped up.

"Nope. Come on! I'm saving you two twins, I may hate you but I still want your sapphires"

Duncan and I stared at Count Olaf.

"Or you can die now and I can tell the Baudelaires"

Duncan and I both walked towards him and he started to drag us away. I shrieked when he grabbed my right arm.

"That's her broken arm you evil miscreant!" Duncan screamed, though I could barley hear him over the flames, the shouts and the... singing.

"I'm fine, Duncan" I lied, but he didn't know that. "What have you done?"

"I did what was necessary"

"Necessary!" Duncan screeched "setting fire to a hospital isn't necessary it is downright evil!"

On our way out, I collapsed and Count Olaf stole a wheelchair off of the nurse. We eventually exited the building and past the crowds till we got to his long black automobile and the van which Duncan told me was "the wrong way round". According to my brother, when we left the Last Chance General Store, the van was attached to the car but when we left Heimlich Hospital, the car was attached to the van. Count Olaf asked why and the white-faced women told him that the car had run out of gas. Esme arrived and pushed us into the van, but before the door was shut, I saw the Baudelaires jump out of a window and land safely. They were safe.

The van:horrific. There was rags over the floor covered in blood, my blood. I could tell in Duncan's eyes that he was terrified of that place. He was turning white, he was hugging himself and was staring at a pile of rags that was used to hold up my head. I touched his shoulder and he jumped.

"I'm okay" I said. I was lying, I was definitely NOT okay. I was in pain, I was trapped in a van, I was apart from Klaus, Violet and Sunny, and Quigley and Mother and Father and... I would never tell anyone that I wasn't okay, not until I reached rock bottom.

After sometime, Esme and Count Olaf got into the front of the van. "We never found the Suagr Bowl after that librarian told us it was here" Esme complained.

"It's worse than that" Olaf said, grimly.

"I know, I know, and the Baudelaires escaped our clutches again. But at least we have the twins, they can't go anywhere. Not far at least, the girl can't walk" Esme looked straight into her boyfrineds eyes "we will get the Baudelaries" she assured him "and then we will get the Sugar Bowl, and then the Lyons again. We will succeed"

"There may be a survivor of the Baudelaire fire" said Count Olaf.

I looked at Duncan, he nodded.

Count Olaf started the engine. Then we left Heimlich Hospital, with no idea of where the Baudelaires were and no idea where we would be going. But at least I knew they were alive.

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