Chapter Twenty Six - The Roof

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I reached into my pocket to put Duncan's note into my commonplace book but I realised that I wasn't even wearing my school blazer. I struggled out of the completely comfortless hospital  bed and made my way over to my door. My head was pounding, my arm killing and my foot aching but I was awake, and my friends were close. If I was in any other situation, I would be screaming because of the pain but I couldn't risk anyone knowing that I was awake. I hobbled through the corridors left, right, two more lefts.

I stopped as I heard a something. "Hello, this is Babs, head of human resources, hospital administration and the party planning committee" said the echoing intercom. "I'd just like to announce my super unexpected and super early retirement, even though I am incredibly young. My replacement will begin immediately"

"Thank you Babs, you certainly appreciate all my hard work over these years"

"Oh no..." I said

"Good evening Heimlich Hospital!" Count Olaf said in a voice that sounded like he was performing at a sort of rock concert "This is Dr. Desmond Doctorman! With an emergency news bulletin. Some murderers have been spotted roaming around our hospital! Now we can't have that can we!"

"No!" the sounds of his henchpeople could be heard in the background

"So what we're gonna do, is conduct a through check of each and every bed until they have been caught! After all, no one want to be murderers to death in their sleep, what a Quagmire that would be... Goodnight and sweet dreams..."

I looked up and saw a camera angled towards me.



"Isadora. What are you doing?" he put his arm around me. Finally some help, I felt like I was about to collapse.


"You look terrible" said Klaus. "No! I mean! No, you look great but you don't because you've been hurt but-"

"This?" I said "it's just a scratch"

"Count Olaf has..." Violet started.

"I know"

"He's disguised as..." started Duncan.

"I know"

"How?" Klaus asked.

"I just heard it over the intercom. What are we going to do?"

"We don't know" said Klaus.

"But you always know" I said

"What place doesn't have cameras?"

"The roof?" asked my brother.


The voice came from behind me, it came from the hook-handed man but he wasn't in view. I then saw his shadow growing. I hobbled behind Duncan and the Baudelaire's.

"Which way?" I said

"Right" said Violet

Then we went:
Up Stairs.
I stopped and stumbled. Violet noticed that I had stopped and she turned around. Duncan and Klaus grabbed my arms as I fell.

"Isadora. Are you okay?" Violet asked.

"Yes. I'm fine, how much longer?"

"Should be just up these stairs"

"Can you make it?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah. I can"

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