Chapter Nine - Two Halves Of A Spyglass

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"We found it in the ashes, We'd never seen it before" Duncan said.

"It can't be a coincidence. Two fires, two halves of a spyglass"

"I think it's more than a spyglass. See there are dials, similar to ones I've read about for cracking codes" Klaus explained.

"Why would our parent have a device for cracking codes"

"And why would our parents have the same device?"

"They must've known each other"

"Then why don't we know each other? It's like they were hiding all of this stuff" Duncan said.

"Thanks Sunny" said Violet as her younger sister handed her something.

"Maybe they were going to tell us, but they never got the chance" said Violet.

"Maybe they were hiding it for a reason" said Klaus.

"Because it's dangerous?"

"Maybe. You're sure you've never heard of Count Olaf?" said Klaus.

"I'm sure" I said "But since we lost our parents, we've seen a lot of things we can't explain"

"Us too. It has to be connected" Violet said and as she flicked a switch and I don't even know how to explain it. But it was amazing how she had made it out of only a few materials. "That's a little better. It's scaring the crabs and it gives the place a little style"

"That's a lot better" Duncan and Violet smiled at each other again.

"At our Aunt Josephine's, we found a book that might contain some answers" Klaus said, I looked at Duncan. "We lost it in a hurricane before we could read it"

"Did it look like this?" Duncan asked opening his commonplace book to the drawing of the book from the other day. Klaus nodded.

"Our last guardian locked it in a safe after she lost her wife" I explained.

"If we all saw the same book, there had to be more copies" said Violet.

"Is the library open?" asked Klaus.

"Not for long" I said "come on"

We all walked together and saw Olivia kicking Carmelita out of the library for killing a mockingbird. She sniffed and looked to us, while Olivia smiled. "I smell people who lost their parents in fires" Carmelita laughed then walked away.

"Quagmire's and the Baudelaire's. Lovely to see you, and together I might add"

"Are you still open?" I asked.

"I'm afraid I was just locking up. Ten minutes go by so fast. But you can come back tomorrow"

"We can't wait until tomorrow. Please"

"We're trying to find a book" I said.

"An important book"

"We think it might have the answers to all of our questons"

"What's the title?"

"The Incomplete History Of Secret Organisations"

"Let me see what I can do" Olivia smiled. She walked us into the library and set a timer. "We only have a few minutes before Nero comes on his rounds. If he catches you, he'll make you trim his toenails"

"He wouldn't" said Violet.

"He would" Olivia said.

"He would" me and my brother agreed.

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