Chapter Sixty Nine - Twins

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A week after Liam left the 'Hospital'

I was woken us, shaken awake by my brothers. My brothers. My brothers! They didn't look good, not at all.

Before I could say anything, Quigley put his hand over my mouth and they both hurriedly started dragging me out of the room.

"What's going on?" I said.

"We're getting out of here" said Duncan.

"What?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"The others are creating a distraction so we can get you out"

"I'm not a baby"

"Issy, just let us help you!" said Duncan, we stopped and Quigley quickly ran into a random room and soon came out with a baby.

"Isadora, this is Beatrice"


"It's Kit Snicket's daughter"

"So, Kit is-"

"Dead. Yes. This way" Duncan said. 

We turned another corner and soon appeared at the top of the grand staircase.

"Why are we going through the front, shouldn't we be sneaking out of the back?"

"The others are sneaking out of the back. We don't have much time"

We continued down the stairs and Duncan got a key out of his pocket. The door opened, but not because of Duncan. No, on the other side of the door were two boys, twins. They both had dirty blonde hair. The boy opening the door had hazel eyes and the one behind him had blue eyes, that was the only way I could tell them apart.

"My, my, what do we have here?" said the blue eyed twin, he walked towards us and we backed up.

"Who are you?" 

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