Chapter Forty Eight - Kiss

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I couldn't stand her looking at him like that. I just couldn't stand it. So I snuck out of the room and made my way back to the sleeping quarters was sitting on the single bed when Klaus entered the room. He sat down beside me an put his arm around me when he saw that I was crying. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I promise we're safe here, Isadora"

"Are we? Are you sure? They'll find us, I know it. Me and my brothers will be tortured until we come of age and two of you Baudelaires will be killed. I don't want any of you to die. I don't want to be apart from you again Klaus"

"If, If we are found by Count Olaf, I won't let him hurt you, or your brothers, or my sister. I promised last night and I promise again today. Forever, remember? But we're far from them now and-"

The lights went out again and an alarm started ringing.

"The Great Unknown" I said.

"We need to stay very still and very quiet" Klaus whispered.

Around five minutes later, the lights came back on and the alarm stopping, I noticed that I was holding his hand.

"Should we go and check on the others?" I asked.

"I'm sure everything's fine" he said. I sat back down beside him. "Erm, you, you look really pretty"

"Even with tear-stained eyes and wearing this very... eye-catching outfit?"

"Especially with tear-stained eyes, not that it's good that you were crying and not that you don't look good in anything else, it's just, you look nice, you always look nice. You always will, forever"

"Very smooth Blaus Kaudelaire. You look nice too. Fiona definitely think so"

"Fiona? No. No. I don't think of her like that"

"You don't?"

"No. I like you though"

"I like you too"

"Hey, maybe when we get back to shore and clear our names, we could go somewhere together, maybe, just us"

"Like a date?"

"Yea. Like a date. Unless you don't want to. If you don't it's fine, but-"

"How about a picnic?"

"Yes. My parents used to go on picnics when they were younger"

"Mine too. Then when they had me, Quigley and Duncan and didn't have enough time to go on dates anymore, they danced"

"Then we could go to a dance. Like normal kids"

"But what if we can't clear our names? What if we don't even make it up to shore?"

"Then we can have a date here" he got up from the bed and took my hand, pulling me up aswell.

"Klaus. What are you doing?" I laughed.

"There's nothing in the kitchen for a picnic, we both know that. But we can still dance"

"I don't dance, Klaus. I can't"

I was about to sit back down when he took my hands again. "Yes, you can. I refuse to believe that someone as utterly amazing as you cannot dance"

"What about you? Since when do you dance?"

"Since my parents taught me. I remember we would all dance around the library, me, Father, Mother and Violet"

"We would too. I stood on Father's feet and danced with him while Mother danced with the boys"

"Violet would stand on Father's feet too"

"The Blue Danube" we said at the same time.

"The same song?"

"This has got to be linked with V.F.D."

"Isn't everything?"

"Care to dance then?" he asked.

"I told you. Mother and Father tried to teach me but I was terrible, I am terrible. Anyway, there's no music"

"But you remember the song, don't you?"


"Then lets dance" he laughed.

He grabbed my hand and we began to waltz. Spinning in circles. Shuffling to the slow, rhythmic music that was playing in our heads. Every now and then, when he saw how confused I was getting, he gave my hand a small, comforting squeeze. We danced together, it was paradise, it was a dream, even more so when our eyes met.

The song in my head had always been a good memory for me. I danced to it with my brothers and my parents, people who I love very much. And then, there I was dancing to it again with someone else who I loved very much, Klaus Baudelaire.

I really did love him...

I don't know how long we were like that for, a long time definitely, but we couldn't stay like that forever and he eventually dropped my hand.

"I told you that you can dance" he said.

"Yea, barley" I giggled and he smiled. "We're lucky I didn't break my leg again"

"I really like you, Isadora"

"I really like you too, Klaus"

He smiled again and I smiled back. He leaned in closer and our lips finally touched. It was my first kiss and it was perfect.

"Isadora!" I heard from behind me.

"Not now, Duncan" I chucked

"Isadora!" he shouted louder with a croak to his voice. Klaus pulled away and I saw his facial expression change. I knew exactly who was behind me.

"Aww, I always knew that you two would end up together. Too bad you won't be for long"

I turned around, towards the door from which the all too familiar voice came from.

My first instinct was to step in front of Klaus and wrestle Duncan out of Count Olaf's grasp but as I was about to step forward, I felt Klaus pull me back and saw a shine under Duncan's neck. A knife.

"Surprised to see me?" asked Count Olaf

"Not at all" I replied "you are an evil miscreant who would do anything to get us"

"I see that you've forgotten that last thing my girlfriend said to you"

"You're wrong again, I haven't forgotten, how could I?"

"Good. That mean's you know what's coming. This way!" I walked out of the door and Count Olaf took the knife away from Duncan's neck. My brother grabbed onto me, he was terrified. I looked back at Klaus, who Count Olaf had a grip on, he was scared too.

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