Chapter Thirty - Anagram

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A few hours passed and I had been taken to get an x-ray (or something) by the bald henchman. He left to go and get the results and Count Olaf walked in.

"This way" he said, Duncan grabbed me a wheelchair from the other side of the room.

"I can walk Duncan"

"Yes I know, but it hurts you. When we were younger you would have loved not having to walk around"

"Things are different now"

"Not everything, we're still Duncan and Isadora Quagmire"

I sat down and Duncan started spinning the chair around, I shouted at him telling him to stop. It was fun, kind-of like when we were younger. Count Olaf came back in, asking if we had heard him and the fun stopped. Duncan followed him, pushing the wheelchair and I got my first real look at the hospital, it was sickening. The hospital was stuffy and the corridors were confusing. The walls were sickly looking, the floors were dirty, the lights blinding.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You're going back to see Laura V. Bleediotie"

"Who's that?" Duncan asked.

"Well it's your girlfriend of course"

"Violet? She isn't... We aren't-"

"Excuse me, other doctor!" said a man along the corridor, calling Count Olaf over, I hoped that he would be caught but (spoiler alert)that's never happened, until hopefully today.

"Dr..Dr Doctorman, may I take a look at your patient list" said Klaus who was dressed in a medical coat, using a British accent and pushing a trolley which Sunny was hiding in.

"How about you come with me and my patients here to my office, I can make you a copy..." said Olaf

I gently shook my head as Klaus continued looking back and forth between me and Duncan, then Count Olaf, then me and Duncan, then Count Olaf.

"Well, I'm sure your patients need help. I just need a quick peek so I could get to my patients, who urgently need my help"

"Fine" said Count Olaf who quickly spun his clipboard around so Klaus couldn't see Violets name (or fake name). "There we go, I have saved a life today, hold your applause". He pushed past Klaus ushering Duncan and I along with him

We walked along the corridors and back to room 666. Count Olaf opened the door and Duncan immediately ran to Violets side.

"What did you do to her?" he asked.

"Just used some anaesthesia on your girlfriend" said Olaf

"She isn't my girlfriend"

The two white-faced women were sitting at the other end of the room watching a television screen that was just showing the roof. It creeped me out, they were just staring at it. But when Count Olaf told them to, they left the room.

"Sit down" said Count Olaf

"Wake her up" said my brother as I sat down.

"Sit down"

"Wake her up"

"Sit down"

"Wake her up"

"Sit down"

Esme then walked into the room and stood beside her boyfriend. "Olaf, what's taking so long?"

"Just a second, love. I'm winning an argument"

"Not you're not" Duncan said

"And neither are you! Sit down"

"Wake Violet up"

"Sit down" said Esme as she pulled something out from her right shoe. The knife glistened in the light. She held it up then pointed it towards my brother. "Orphans really should, just do what we say or they will get hurt" she said to her boyfriend.

"Like the Lyons boy" commented Count Olaf. I knew he was teasing me, he still does it. I want to know what happened to Lyons family but I don't know if I ever will.

"Sit down" said Esme,and my brother sat down on the sofa beside me. "And don't move until we say so". She exited the room with her boyfriend following her.

The henchperson of indeterminate gender then walked in to 'keep and eye on us'. Minutes passed before my brother stopped looking at Violet and turned to me.

"Distract him and I'll unplug the machine"

"You'll what?"

"The anaesthesia that they are giving Violet, it's given through a machine, I've been studying it for the past ten minutes, I know that's a long while but I've been distracted, and if I unplug the machine, she should wake up"

"At least you noticed it Duncan, I wouldn't have"

"Just distract him" my brother smiled

"What are you reading?" I asked the henchperson, getting up.

"No, no, no, the boss said you had to stay there" they answered

"Romeo And Juliet" I said (looking at the front cover) "I love that story, two young lovers who love each other but cannot be together because of unfortunate circumstances" I stood up and slowly hobbled over to them.

" I would say it's the best love story ever.The sweetness and innocence of the lovers, their youth and passion, and the irony with which they act to bring about their own ends make the story poignant and bittersweet" they said as my brother slowly got up and walked over to Violet, unplugging the machine.

All of a sudden the door slammed open with Count Olaf standing on the other side of the door. I shrieked and Duncan jumped. "Stop that!" he shouted.

"I was just talking to your henchperson here about Romeo And Juliet"

"While your brother snuck up and tried to save Violet! I am on my last nerve with you two orphans and it's only been a week. I thought that tragic fall would make you two realise that I am in charge but I guess it didn't. But this will show you"

"What will?" I asked. The hook-handed man and the bald henchman then walked in pushing past me and taking Violet away. Count Olaf then left with his henchpeople and left me and Duncan alone. Duncan immediately ran out after them. I was going to follow when Esme appeared in the doorway.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going with my brother"

"But you're going to miss the show" she pointed to the monitor. "So why don't you take a seat?"

The door creaked open, "Isadora?"


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