Chapter Sixty Six - Love

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"I missed you so-"

"I know. Are you-"

"I'm fine. What about you, did-"

"I'll tell you later"

Liam said hello to the rest of us and we caught him up on what had happened to us. He didn't want to tell us what had happened yet. Instead, eh spent time with his sister, and I took Edwin to another side of the room, away from the others.

"What was that about?" I asked.


"Yesterday! I've told you how I feel about Klaus and how I feel about you"

"You loved him!"

"He loved me. But he also kissed Fiona. As for me, I love you"

"I love you"

Liam walked over to Teddy and I, and he asked if he could talk to me.

"I'm so sorry about what has happened to you, Isadora" said Liam.

"Isn't everybody? Well, at least you're okay. Everybody was worried about you"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"I know we only lived together for two days. But you really aren't yourself. What happened to the girl that can't make pancakes to save her life and could still joke about it? Remember that, the day of the funeral. To cheer everyone up, you, me, Duncan and Valerie made pancakes. Yours ended up burnt and you almost burnt yourself many times as well"

A small smile appeared on my face. "Of course I remember, but a lot has happened since then"

"I know"

"I have lost everyone. My parents, my brothers, my friends, and..." I paused. "And Klaus. I miss them all. An inordinate amount. But I am being held hostage by a crazy lady and I have no idea where they are, I don't even know if they're safe"

"You'll see them again" Liam said.

"How do you know though, Liam? I am in pain, physical pain, I can't stand being apart from them. And Klaus... the last thing I said to all of them was ' I love you' and I don't even know who I was talking to. I love them all, including Klaus, but Teddy..."

"I know you're conflicted. And I know how you feel. I love people as well and I was separated from one for them for months and months but every single time we're separated, we find each other again. That's how I know you'll see them again"

Five days later...

Esme and Carmelita were planning on going on a trip, they didn't know how long they would be gone, they just knew where they were going, an island.

Esme took Emily and Valerie out of the room to help her pack for the trip and Carmelita said she wanted assistance, so I was taken to her room to help. When Esme walked away, Carmelita opened her bedroom door and peeked down the corridors before signalling me to follow her.

"What are you doing, Carmelita?" I said.

"I am trying to help you, whatever Esme is planning, it's not good. Count Olaf and Esme have had this whole thing planned since the day of the trial"

We walked down the main staircase.

"What are you talking about?"

"Can you remember when you and your brothers tried to get away from this place and ran to the V.F.D. café?"

"Of course, why?"

Carmelita reached into her pocket and unlocked the front door.

"I need you to run, go to the café, get help"

"Why are you doing this?"

"At the Hotel Denouement, a family of three siblings, two boys and a girl) pulled me aside and told me about the terrible things that happen when you are involved in Count Olaf's family. The girl said that no matter what, she would be at the café every day in case I needed help. Go meet her there, tell her I sent you, and get help. I'll try and stall Esme"

"Thank you, Carmelita" I said. "I did this for me, Issy, not for you"

"And I believe you completely" I smiled then started running. Since I had last tried to escape capture, my leg had gotten a bit better and even when my leg continued to hut I kept running.

Until I arrived. There was only one customer, she had her back to me and I walked up to her.

"Hello" I said. "My name is Isadora Quagmire, Carmelita sent me"

The girl put down her book then stood and turned to face me.

"Lovely to meet you, Isadora. My names is Alice"

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