Chapter Seventy Three - Battle

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The start of the Battle was sudden and surprising.

I was woken by glass smashing and I heard a lot of shouting. Edwin was the one to actually drag me out of bed. We helped Klaus out of bed and Teddy held him up as I opened the door. We waited in the bathroom for quite a while, we even started to get a bit worried but our siblings did turn up eventually. The group decided to spilt up. Sunny, Violet and Naomi (random girl) went off with Klaus. Emily, Teddy and Elizabeth went off. Liam went with his sister, and I went with my brothers and Baby Beatrice.

My brothers already had our route planned out. We started towards the back spiral staircase,. But when we reached the top, we ran into the twins, who hurried us along before running back upstairs.Next, we ran into everyone we had just split up from. It was a little awkward, some of us laughed. But then all around us, people started fighting.

Emily turned to talk to us. "You all need to go and hide downstairs"

"As in basement downstairs?"

"Yes, just until we have the villains in custody"

Violet and Naomi helped Klaus down the stairs, soon being followed by Elizabeth, carrying Beatrice, and Sunny. Quigley and Duncan started heading down the stairs and I shut the door behind them before turning to Emily, Liam, Valerie and Teddy, who told me I couldn't fight, I knew I could though. They had taught me how to fight during that month with Esme, it's not like I wasn't going to use my new skill to help save my friends.

Before I could even start fighting, Quigley and Duncan came out of the basement and tried to drag me back down. It took a while but I eventually just went downstairs with them.

About 10 minutes later, the first gunshot was heard and it wasn't from the good side of V.F.D.

I ran up the basement stairs and slammed the door open. I started walking forward but someone dragged me elsewhere. It was Teddy.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Esme has a gun. Stay here, I'll get the others and we can sneak out of the back"

I did what my boyfriend told me to do and soon enough, everybody else had joined me. Emily and Quigley lead the way followed, in this exact order, by Liam, Elizabeth and Beatrice, Valerie, Sunny, Naomi, Klaus being supported by Edwin and Violet then Duncan and I.

I wish I could say we all got out but I'd would be lying. I don't actually know if everyone got out.

All I know is that if the others did get out, they are not with Olaf and Esme.

When Duncan and I were about to leave the Beach House, we were grabbed by someone and dragged back through the house. I don't know who they were, I still don't know who they are because they were soon knocked out by Olivia. She took us into a bathroom.

"We thought you were dead!"

"So did I. But the crowds at Calagari Carnival were pushing around and I lost sight of you two and the Baudelaires and I ran into this woman, Jacquelyn Scieszka"

"The Baudelaire's told us about her, the statue lady"

"Yes. She took me to V.F.D. headquarters but it had burned down. I heard about the fire at the Hotel Denouement and how you children were missing, I knew I had to find you all"

"We're glad you did. But we have to get back outside to the others"

"I know, follow me"    

The second we left the kitchen, everything went black.

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