Part 11 - Basement

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"Why are we back here?" I said.

"Don't worry, it won't be for long" said Esme. She was pushing me, Quigley, Naomi and the Baudelaires through the house.

"We're just waiting for some friends to arrive" said Alice, she opened a door and Esme shoved us down the stairs and into the basement.

Quigley and I caught the Baudelaires up on where we were, what happened here. Which then brought us to the question, why the basement?

"While we were here with Issy, we never came down here"

"Quigley's right, they didn't lock us down here, we didn't even come to clean it"

"I can tell" said Violet.

"They said they're waiting for people, do you have any idea who 'they' could be?" asked Klaus.

"It could be The Man and The Woman" said Quigley.

"Who?" said Sunny.

"The two people that helped kidnap the Snow Scouts on Mount Fraught" I said. "But I don't know if it is them. Remember earlier when we had just gotten the boat"

"Of course" said Violet.

"Esme mentioned that Alice had siblings, brothers to be exact"

"Brothers who, along with Alice, reportedly betrayed their parents" said Klaus

"Making them friends and not family because they don't know if they can trust them"

"That's an interesting theory, Duncan" said Violet. "But I have an idea which means we will never even have to find out"

"What is it?"

"Do you really not know?"


"Klaus, you of all people should know that ever since Sunny was locked in that cage, I've carried around a lock-picking device"

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