The General

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Now that the Umbarans had made their counterattack again, we were now being pushed up against a rock and a hard place. Enemy fighters were now in the air and ground , taking us out likes flies. I was busy on the other hand however, pulling a wounded trooper to the side to have Kix and Ryloth Company's Chief Medic Radio take care of, and using my rifle to shoot incoming enemy fighters on the ground. "The Capital City's too fortified. We need your battalions to help us take it!" Obi Wan said as Krell turned on a holo-communicator. "Resistance from the Umbarans has been greater than anticipated. We're holding our ground at the moment." Krell replied. "We've gathered intel on an airbase to the west. It is resupplying the Capital's defenses--" Obi Wan nearly finished before an incoming missile was coming. "Incoming incoming! Get down! Get down!!" Rex yelled as we all ducked, only to perk back up once the missile had reached the ground. "If you could capture that airbase, it will sever the Capital's supply lines, allowing the rest of our forces to move in!" Obi Wan stated. "We'll see to it that the airbase is placed under our control!" I yelled to my old friend. "Remember General Krell, General Casteele, the entire invasion depends on your battalions." Obi Wan reminded us before Krell turned the device off. "Captain Rex, have those coordinates mapped, and all troops ready to move out immediately!" Krell ordered. "Yes sir!" Rex replied as we started to move out again, trying to finish another battle.


3rd POV

Now that the past battle has settled, Adira, Krell, Rex, Fives, Miles, and Tracker had walked up a ridge to see the airbase, and what was waiting for them. "There's a base there alright, and it's heavily guarded." Rex reported as he looked through his scopes. "At least three tank divions, plus guns." "We'll advance along the central gorge, and engage their forces in a full-forward assault." Krell quickly answered. "Due respect, Krell, I believe it may not be that easy." Adira disagreed as she looked at the terrain. "The gorge is narrow sir, we'll only be able to move our platoons in single squads. Perhaps a close recon will tell us if there's a more secure route." Rex assumed as he looked at the General. "Obi Wan and the other battalions are holding off the enemy right now while they wait for us to take out this base. We don't have time to look for a more secure route." Krell stated as he walked off the ridge. "General Krell, perhaps I can send a recon squad to look for a more secure route, while we make a plan for the forward assault." Adira assumed. "You may do what you wish with your men, Casteele. But I am in full control of the 501st, and I say we move out now." Krell confirmed, pushing past her as she rolled her eyes at him. "Rex, for now make a plan with Krell of the assault. But do not go ahead without my allowance." Adira instructed. "Yes sir." Rex replied as he walked off the ridge. "Miles." She called as he walked up to her. "I need you to gather Seeker and West for a recon squad. Allow them to bring others too." She stated. "Yes ma'am." Miles replied before running off the ridge, leaving his Jedi General to ponder in her thoughts.


Adira slid down the long hill of where the rest of the men were to speak of the mission ahead. She knew many were not going to allow it if they were in charge, but there was no alternative in her mind. As she came to the ground, everyone else was already there, arguing with one another of wanting to go with Krell's plan or not. "All right, listen up. We'll assemble the squds into two divisions. We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase at the far side." Rex explained to his men, just as everyone started to argue. "The casualties are going to be high!" Kix disagreed. "Is Krell trying to get us killed?!" Tup asked. "You know, I wasn't sure if Krell was crazy before, but now I'm positive." Jesse agreed. "We had to retreat from the Capitak because General Krell pushed a flawed strategy. Now this?!" Fives asked. "I dunno, could be fun!" Hardcase said, high voice hyper like a child on a sugar rush. "Well I for one agree with General Krell's strategy. We're running out of time and this is the best option." Dogma confirmed. I sadly shook my head. It was mostly every recruit that would follow orders than question them. "No recon, no air support? We don't know what we're up against! They have weapons we've never seen before!' Jesse continued. "A few of General Skywalker's plans seemed reckless too, but they worked." Rex reminded his men until Fives interjected.

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