Within One Another

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Adira's POV

Master Di's company was given orders to fight on Ryloth and help the twi'leks against the droid army. They were pushing the freedom fighters back from their positions, cutting down their food and water supplies, not to mention their weapons. I was previously going with my former Master, but I needed to attend an important meeting with the High Council on another issue. But it would be a few hours until then and I would be able to give my Master a short farewell. We were currently in the Temple's main hanger were my Master and his men would make their departure to Ryloth. "I assume the assault on Ryloth is not succeeding?" I asked him as we walked to his gunship."Unfortunately. It appears the twi'leks are in desperate times against the droids on their home." He replied. "I thought the twi'leks regained control over their planet with the aid of the Republic?" I assumed. "You are right there, Adira, we did maintain control over the planet for a brief timing until our supply ships were destroyed." He said. "I see." I then said, looking forward to see an old friend walking towards us. "General Di, General Casteele." Captain Keeli greeted. "Captain Keeli, it is nice to see you again." I said. "As it is to you, General Casteele." He replied, smiling at me. "Are the men ready for departure, Keeli?" My Master asked. "Yes, sir. All but Miles and Tracker. Both and a few others are on leave for a medical scan from our previous battle." Keeli informed. "Very well then, gather the men as soon as you can, we leave immediately." My Master then instructed as Keeli saluted.

"Captain." I called out as he turned to face me. "Be sure to save some droids for me when I come from a meeting, I'd hate to miss out on the fun." I said with a smirk. "Don't worry, General Casteele, plenty of those tin-heads will stand until you arrive." He joked back before putting his helmet on, joining the rest of his men in a nearby gunship. "Well Master, I wish you much luck on Ryloth. I hope you do consider saving a battalion of droids for me when I come." I then reminded. "Do not worry, my dear. I am certain there will be plenty of droids waiting for you to tear them apart." I smirked at his sentence. He then walked to the gunship as I parted ways from him, stopping to turn around once he called out my name. "May the Force be with you, Adira." He said, blue eyes glowing proudly at me. "May the Force be with you, Master." I answered, watching the gunship doors close before taking off into the air, where the battle of Ryloth began again. Nothing would happen to him or the men, they were invincible, unstoppable, they could not be defeated.


3rd POV

The only thing Adira could feel after hearing the report of Ryloth an hour later was horror, ignoring the tears that fell from her face. Her Master was dead, just like everyone else that had accompanied him on the campaign. Their primary blockade runners to deploy supplies to the Twileks were destroyed, forcing him and his men to stay behind while the civilians retreated from the war zone. But supplies and reinforcements hadn't arrived in time to help save their lives. They were dead the moment blockade runners broke through the Separatists blockade. She realized she was a fool to believe that he and his men were undefinable, nothing was not immortal. She was alone in her quarters on Coruscant, where she was waiting for her Master and his men to return to discuss a campaign they were to originally combine their forces with. But Adira would never have that chance again, her old friend was long gone. However, she couldn't remain in the dark for long, she needed to get out. Reluctantly, she left her quarters and closed the doors behind her, leaving her lightsabers on her bed. The hallways seemed longer than usual, with the light dimmer now that nightfall had come. No one was around, she was glad at that at least. No one needed to see her emotions out of control. She stopped when she entered an empty hanger, looking out at the night and the stars that hovered in the air. She knew she wasn't, but she could't help but feel that she was truly alone. Her Master, her friends, her mother and father were all gone. Was it because of her, was she the reason for their deaths?

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