The Bad Batch

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Adira's POV

The battle over Anaxes was more difficult than any other battle I've been in besides Umbara. I had deployed on the planet several rotations before Anakin and Mace Windu, even with our extra forces, the droids were still keeping us at bay. I could tell something was different with their strategies they were using against us, but I did not know what. While Obi Wan was managing my battalion, I was speaking with Anakin and Mace to hopefully come up with a new plan. "The droids have overrun our main production facility. It won't be long before the Separatist take Anaxes, compromising our entire reserve fleet." Mace informed over the holo-map, discussing the situation to us before Captain Rex, Captain Miles, and Commander Cody walked up. "Pardon the interruption, General." Miles said. "But Rex here has a good theory on why we keep, uhh, loosing." Cody admitted. "Please, Captain." Mace allowed as Rex stepped forward. "The droid attack uses analytics to predict our strategy. The first time we use a tactic, it's very effective. The next, less so. In fact, the more we use a certain tactic, the less effective it becomes. They learned our tendencies and use that data against us. To counter them, we're constantly working out ways to vary our attack." Rex explained, changing the map of Anaxes to what I suspected was our specific tactical strategies. "But the losses we are experiencing on Anaxes are not commonplace." Mace pointed out.

"Exactly. The counterattacks are so specific, it's my strategy the droids know, my playbook." Rex informed. "Our concern is that Rex is one of the best." Cody stated. "If the droids can learn to defeat him, we may all be vulnerable." Miles finished. "What do you propose?" I asked. "Let Rex, Miles, and me take a small squad behind enemy lines. There's a Separatist Cyber Center which relays all battlefield intel into their command ship. If we're going to find anything, it will be there." Cody suggested. "If you think it will help turn this fight around, get going." Mace instructed. "Thank you, General." Rex said, pausing as if he were to add something else. "Rex, is there something else?" Anakin asked. His first in command remained quiet before quickly replying. "No, General." He and Cody then began to walk away before Miles quickly followed after, giving me a look as I gave him mine. Be sure to keep an eye on him. I said in my eyes, but I knew he understood and why I was asking him to do so.


Miles POV

I was informed by Commander Cody that we were to take Rex, Kix, Tracker, me, and himself to find this "Cyber Center". I walked besides Cody and Kix before Rex entered the barracks by himself, quietly. Moments after, Jesse showed up. His armor was upgraded to ARC Trooper armor, a kama with blue and light grey painting it while his two pauldrons on his shoulders revealed his newly title. I knew the 501st was in more trouble once Fives was killed, and Rex was the only one to lead his garrison and Torrent Company. I only suppose that the reason why Jesse was promoted was because he was the only other higher trooper in Torrent Company besides Kix. Once Jesse arrived, Cody and I both agreed to enter the barracks to remind Rex we were ready. "Come on, Rex." I said. "Time to move out." Cody finished, but Rex didn't move. We both walked up to him to see him holding a holo-pad with the picture of him, Cody, Fives, and Echo. "Fives, Echo, and before that, Hevy." He said sadly. "There's so many troopers....gone." I knew Fives's death took a deep toll on his shoulders, and I knew that he missed him deeply since he died in front of him. But as much as he wanted to push his death aside from everything else, I knew he was still grieving. "Yeah, regular folk don't understand. Sometimes in war, it's hard to be the one that survives." Cody agreed. "That's what I'm worried about." Rex trailed off. "What do you mean?" I asked as me and Cody walked up to him. "I didn't tell the Generals, or even General Casteele," He said. "they may think I'm crazy. In fact, you two may think I'm crazy."

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