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Adira's POV
I didn't really remember anything after what happened on Ord Mantell. All I could remember was that we were attacked by the man in the cloak and I somehow found myself underground in the city. My captor-the man who claimed he was not a Sith-was taking me somewhere I could only assume was an abandoned laboratory. The mechanic doors slowly opened to the sides, revealing a hallway that was in immediate need of maintenance. The lights continued to flicker, the glass containers were broken, everything that would've been considered as expensive or unique was already gone. Except one room up ahead. The door was opened wide to reveal an empty room, no lights on and no windows. But there was someone else that stood besides the door, dressed in strange clothes and a mask that covered his eyes. I didn't know what else to feel but fear. I wanted to be back at Coruscant, but I still had no idea where I was or how to get back.

We stopped when we were just at the door, and the man behind me looked at who I assumed was a doctor or something. "Is it done?" The stranger with the red lightsaber asked. The other man nodded, but he didn't speak. I was then forcefully turned to face my earlier opponent. His orange eyes met my blue eyes as we just stared at each other. "Your Jedi friends won't be able to help you any time soon, Jedi scum." He snarled. "My Master will come for you two, he'll make sure he'll bring reinforcements!" I stated with pride. But he smiled instead, something I wasn't expecting. "I'm counting on it." He smiled. That's when the man behind me injected something into my neck. I yelped in shock before finding everything to become fuzzy. My surroundings grew dizzy and strange as I lost my footing, falling into the cold ground with a faint whirring noise. I could only hear a small conversation between the two men, and I was already loosing consciousness. " it done?" "fine.......injection.....control her......she is ours."
3rd POV
Everyone was on the search for the missing Apprentice long into the night. Ima-Gun Di frantically asked the civilians if they had seen Adira, but they hadn't. Luckily he hadn't come alone. Masters Yoda and Windu with his Apprentice Depa Billaba we're also assigned to find Adira. Under normal circumstances, Master Yoda wouldn't even leave Coruscant, but if what was said was true about the attacker, he wanted to know if it were true. Instead of remaining together, everyone dispersed and was scattered across the city. Ima-Gun Di's patience was waning thin. He had to find his apprentice before anything were to happen to her, he couldn't leave her. He saw spirit inside of her when he first found her on Cato, and he didn't want it to go out so quickly. And he got his wish to come true when he heard something. Everything around him was dark, the lights were out and burnt and everything was swallowed into shadow. Activating his lightsaber, he slow downed his pace and cautiously looked around. Something was surrounding him. He saw it again when he turned around to see it and he did see it.

He saw the pair of yellow eyes staring at him. It wasn't long until the animal had stepped out from the shadows to reveal itself as a large cat-like being. It's body was slender and sleek, fur painted a bright tan with the tail tipped black. It's fangs were snarling angrily as it's eyes were throwing daggers at him. It's tailed flickered in anticipation and enjoyment. The Jedi Mater steadied his stance, eyes locked into the creature's, but something felt off. For some reason, he felt as if he knew who the creature was. But there was someone else that wasn't even too far from him. He turned around to face the man whom he had faced earlier, the one who had taken his Apprentice. "Foolish of you to come alone, Jedi." The supposed Sith said. Ima-Gun Di pointed the end of his blade at the stranger. "Where is my Padawan?" He interrogated. The man chuckled, walking to the beast and stroking its fur.

"Do you know what it's like to take something from someone?" He randomly asked. "Do you feel powerful, righteous, proud? Justified." Ima-Gun Di eyed him, but he knew what the man was saying. "I feel that what I have done is for the best cause, Jedi. To think one can hang onto someone for so long is a lie that we all wish for. Perhaps you can let that go too, watch your Apprentice bring you down!" The man then shouted, releasing the fur he gripped on the animal. It lunges towards the Jedi until he retaliated and simply kicked it over him. Strangely, the man did not intervene nor attacked. He was just watching. And he was ever so enjoying the show when the creature lunges at the Jedi Knight without any memory of the past that she was once apart of.

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