The Rank Of Master

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Adira's POV

I walked to the main part of the Temple on Coruscant when Master Yoda and the other fellow Council Members required my presence. I had a gut feeling of what was to come, and I was both excited and yet nervous. Taking on the task of being a Jedi Master of an apprentice would not be easy for me to complete. My Master took me on when I was only a little girl whose parents were killed by the droid army, but we were far from the beginning of the war, and now I only had one Master to speak for guidance. But I was excited to take on the role both my Masters accomplished over the years, and now it was my turn to do so. My men and I had returned from a near droid invasion in the nearest system from Geonosis, but we were successful in pushing the droids away. I then reminded myself that Miles would be happy to learn of becoming a commander and Tracker a Captain after they pulled me out of a mess I couldn't get myself out of, and meeting a Jedi Padawan may help stabilize the center of command over the entire garrison.

I then entered the High Council and bowed my head as my fellow Jedi Council Members looked at me. "You summoned me, my Masters?" I asked. "Time it is, for you to train an apprentice, ready you are." Master Yoda informed. "With all due respect, Master, I am not sure if I am truly ready to take on an apprentice." I politely stated. Although I was half excited to train the next generation of Jedi younglings, I was fearful for the one I would train. Thousands of Padawans were either killed during the war or taken from the hands of the Jedi Order, not to mention being experimented on like myself. I couldn't let what happened to me happen to another child, I wouldn't. "Confident in yourself you are, but confident in training one, you are not. Haunted by the past of your younger self, you are. However, changing the past you can't, but changing the future you are capable of. Ready you are." He assured me. "Yes, Master Yoda. Thank you." I said, bowing my head before he and the others dismissed me as I silently left. Now that I was given the task to train the next generation of future Jedi Knights, I had to watch out for my coming Padawan.


I remained with Master Sinube as I watched the senior younglings duel against one another to become a Padawan for a Jedi to chose. There were three against one another, a teen nautolan female, a young human boy, and another boy from the twi'leks. Whilst the human and twi'lek boy wielded two lightsabers, the female nautolan wielded only one curved saber with a blue blade darker than mine, yet light than Anakin's. The human instantly charged to the nautolan girl before blocked his green lightsaber with her blue curved one, the two hissing against one another until she kicked at his chin as he fell to his back, defeated. Then the twi'lek boy nearly rolled towards her, to his side before quickly getting up and blocking her blade. Both then kept their guard against one another until the twi'lek boy used the Force to push the nautolan back as her feet slid against the ground, her posture remaining the same. I then saw her lightsaber posture change from Form one to Form two known as Makashi. She charged back at the twi'lek as he began to loose his ground, being slowly overwhelmed by the Form two as I suspected he only knew of Form one. But he held his ground until the nautolan girl swept her feet underneath his, having him to fall on his back with her saber pointing at him. He was finished. She then helped him back up on his feet as both bowed at Master Sinube and I, the human boy included.

He had pride with him, but I sensed he would often be too confident in his skills, much more to Anakin's liking. The twi'lek boy also had skill and speed, but with too much of it, it may lead him to his downfall. The only one left to choose was the nautolan girl, her posture straight as her hands were held behind his back. Her skin was a deep oceanic blue along with tips of a lighter shade on her tentacles, having small dots of the same color as well. She was the one. I spoke with Master Sinube of the young nautolan that nearly looked similar to Ahsoka, but I felt pride and wisdom inside of her. Her name was Ekita Tasella, and was born from the planet Glee Anselm. She was raised until she was six and was then taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to become a Jedi youngling. Although she wasn't too experienced in flying, she was one of the best senior younglings with knowing Form two. She was also like me in ways; confident, brave, and gentle to even her enemies at times. But she showed sparks of pride and stubbornness from Anakin and wisdom from Obi Wan. She was perfect. Master Sinube then requested Ekita to step towards us as she did so without hesitation.

I quickly felt a bond strengthen within her presence as I knew from her expression she felt it as well. "Youngling Ekita Tasella." Master Sinube began. "You're Master will be High Council Member Master Adira Casteele. If you are both willing to agree, you may be trained by her." Ekita smiled kindly. "I agree, Master Sinube, Master Casteele." She said gently, bowing her head at me. "As do I, Padawan Ekita." I said, bowing my head as well before our eyes met. "I, Master Sinube, teacher of future Jedi Padawans, declare Ekita Tasella the Padawan of Master Casteele." Master Sinuba declared, and I knew my fears were gone. I was calm and relaxed at the thought that now I had the role both of my Masters had, and it was my turn to train her like how my Masters did for me.


*Several Weeks Later*

3rd POV

Both Adira and Ekita were dueling against one another, their lightsabers clashing against each other before both quickly withdrew from engaging each other. Four weeks had passed since Ekita became a Padawan to Adira and the two had become friendly towards one another swiftly than how Anakin and Ahsoka started off. Despite the majority of the Council Members being senior Jedi Masters, Adira was one of them to train an apprentice. Ekita quickly charged at her Master with her blue curved lightsaber as Adira simply blocked her attack with only her cyan lightsaber, the blue connected to her belt. She smiled at her apprentice before both jumped back again, deactivating their lightsabers in a signal of the end of their duel. Both painted heavily as sweat began to trickle down their skin, yet they kept their smile at each other.
"Good work, Ekita. You fought well today." Adira commented. "As have you, Master." Ekita agreed. But her smile was fainter and less apparent than usual. "I sense you are troubled by something, may I ask why?" Adira asked. "Master, someone during my academy training mentioned your Master before Master Yoda trained you; Master Di? If I can ask, what happened?" Ekita asked nervously. Adira sighed slightly before clinging her lightsaber to her belt. "Well, when I was a little older than your age right now, my old Master was deployed to one of the first battles of Ryloth when the droid armies were depleting the twi'leks of their supplies and weaponry. Fortunately, my Master and his garrison arrived on Ryloth sooner than anticipated, however, the supply runners were taken out by a Separatist blockade." She started.

"My Master knew of how many twi'leks would die if the droids get to them, so he and his men stayed behind to defend them while the twi'leks ran for supply runners to find them. But in the end, they ended up sacrificing their lives to do so, my Master included." Ekita went silent in shame and pity. "I'm...sorry I asked you about that, Master." She said. "It isn't your fault, Ekita. My Master and the others knew of what would happen if they defended the twi'leks, even if they all died. But if my Master were here, he may have liked you a bit." Adira stated. "What was he like?" Ekita asked. "He was a brave and wise leader. Nearly out of every Jedi Master, he saw potential in me even through the roughest of times the Force had thrown at me. He was kind towards the other Jedi and his own men, to be honest, I think even his own garrison would rather die a thousand times for his life to be saved." She replied. "He sounds like he was a nice Master." Ekita said. "Yes, yes he was." Adira trailed off before re-igniting her lightsaber. "Ready to go again?" She asked. "Ready whenever you are, Master." Ekita replied, igniting her cyan lightsaber before both began again.

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