Unfinished Business

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I was at another meeting with Mace, Anakin, Obi Wan, Rex, Miles, and Jesse to discuss the near ending of Anaxes. With Echo back with us, the Separatist were now at a disadvantage for the needed algorithm they required to overcome us. "We have more than a dozen active battlefronts on Anaxes, and we are losing nearly every one." Mace informed, showing us a holo-map of the planet, and the systems were were losing. "But if Admiral Trench can no longer anticipate our moves, we now have the opportunity to retake the planet." He continued until a voice spoke up. "I can improve your chances." We all turned to see Echo walking towards us, armored with blue stripes on his chest plate while a medical droid hovered nearby. "Uhh, excuse us, Generals." Rex apologized as he and Miles stopped Echo from walking further. "Echo, I'm sorry, but I don't just think you're ready for battle yet." Rex pointed out. "He's got a point, you've missed out a lot." Miles finished. "I am not a liability, Rex, Miles. I'm the best chance we have to take back Anaxes." Echo retorted as the two looked at him, uncertain of what to say. "If the trooper has a plan, I'd like to hear it." I said. "May I?" Echo then asked, having Miles and Rex to allow him to move forward as he inserted his mechanical arm into the holo-map. "While Master Windu leads a team to retake the assembly complex, the Bad Batch will escort me into Trench's new comm vault, which, according to current intel, is now located on this Separatist Dreadnought above Anaxes. Once I'm plugged in, I can feed Trench strategies, but this time, you'll know every move before he makes it." Echo explained, having us to share a look of amusement.

"And you are certain that if we get you onboard that ship, that you can convince Trench's army to do what you want?" Mace asked. "Absolutely. Unfortunately, I've been doing this for a while, but this time I can help bring about a Republic victory instead of a defeat." Echo replied, having confidence support his defense. We all looked at each other, nodding our heads that this plan sounded good enough, I just had to hope it would work out after all.


3rd POV

The Bad Batch, Echo, Rex, Miles, and Tracker began loading into the ship, allowing the Bad Batch to place their helmets on while Tech examined the ship. "Tech, is everything ready?" Hunter asked. "Yup, Sarge. We are ready." Tech replied, turning towards Rex, Miles, and Tracker as Hunter walked to join the rest. "Still not sure how we're gonna land on that ship." He ponded at the three. "Don't worry, Echo says he's got a plan." Rex replied. "That makes me feel so much better." He said sarcastically. "What do you mean by that?" Tracker asked. "To be blunt, his mind belonged to the Separatists until we unplugged him. We don't really know where his loyalties lie." Tech said. "Yeah, well we know." Miles stated. "Now, get moving." Rex barked, having the four to walk towards the ship. But as Rex and Tech walked towards it, Tracker and Miles lingered back. "Do you think he has a point?" Tracker quietly asked. "What do you mean?" Miles questioned. "I haven't known Echo as long as you and Rex have, but is he still the trooper we knew since the Citadel?" Tracker asked, having Miles to share a look at his brother. "It may have been a while since we've seen Echo, but I doubt he would ever betray the Republic, betray us." Miles said. "I just hope you're right." Tracker murmured, joining the others inside of the ship. Once they were inside, the Bad Batch's ship took off into orbit, flying higher than the rest of the starfighters and gunships that would confront the terror that planned on taking over the planet.


"Please tell me we are blowing something up." Wrecker said, looking at everyone else while Tech monitored the ship. "Sorry Wrecker, this is strictly stealth." Anakin replied, crossing his arms. "Uhh, I hate that word!" The excited trooper groaned. "Echo, you're up." Anakin then said, patting the trooper on the shoulder who began plugging into the mainframe. "Don't worry, as soon as I plug in, I'll send a signal to the command ship." Echo assured. But Crosshair and Hunter weren't too keen on his plan. "What type of signal are you gonna send? Nothing that'll give us away, right?" Hunter asked, sharing a look at his comrade. "As fas as the droids are concerned, we're just gonna be another one of their shuttles coming in for a landing." Echo replied. "And the regs think we take risks." Hunter muttered to his older brother. Meanwhile, the command ship was currently monitoring orbit, not allowing anything or anyone to leave or enter the planet's surface. That was until a droid noticed the ship exiting Anaxes. "We have an incoming ship." A droid announced to another who was on the computers. "Is this one of ours?" The other asked, confused at seeing such a different model of their own ships. "I've never seen this model." It continued. But, Echo wasn't done yet. "Sending the signal....now." He said, sending the coordinates of the Separatist ship to the computers, as if it were a normal Separatist shuttle. "Yep, it's one of ours." One droid assured. "Roger, roger, Shuttle TC-159. You may approach and land." It then informed to the group that was their enemy As far as the plan was succeeding, Wrecker was still unhappy. "Aww, I'd still rather blow it up." He complained. "I have a feeling you'll get your chance." Tech chimed in, driving their hidden ship into the hanger of the enemy.

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