The Battle Of Christophsis

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Adira's POV

As soon as the ship landed on the ground and the hanger door opened, I opened my eyes to have the sun's light reflect on them. This would be my first recorded battle without my Masters aiding me, but I had two old friends to help instead. Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker were the first friends I made when I was little, having Obi Wan to be his late twenties and Anakin in his mid teens. I was little then, now I was not. The past had changed me since I was little, and I was sure it would keep me that way. I made sure my lightsabers were on my belt, which they were and I checked the ammunition in my rifle before putting it back over my shoulder. My long, dark brown hair was braided into a tight bun as I fiddled with my rifle. With the hanger doors open, I walked outside to see Obi Wan and Anakin outside with several clones following behind them. I then looked to my side to see another ship open it's hanger doors before a Padawan walked out. I noticed she was a young Togruta, from the planet Shili where Master Shaak Ti was from. Her lekkus were white and blue, and her eyes were as blue as Anakin's. "And who are you supposed to be?" Anakin asked as the Padawan walked towards the two, leaving me to walk after her. "I'm Ahsoka, Master Yoda sent me. I was told to tell all three of you that you must get to the Jedi Temple immediately. There's an emergency." She reported. "Three?" Anakina asked before Obi Wan and his eyes looked over to me.

"I think she means me as well." I said as I kept my right hand on my hip, after walking up to the trio. "Master Casteele. It is nice to see you again." Obi Wan stated with a smile in his eyes. "As it is to you Obi Wan, Anakin." I replied as I looked at Anakin. "I thought you were to head towards Jakku." He assumed. "Yes, well, the battlefield has changed than we anticipated. Master Secura and Tiin are to take care of the droids." I replied. "Then what brings you here then?" Obi Wan asked. "I was asked by Master Yoda to bring aid to Christophsis, and also inform that you two are needed at the Temple on Coruscant." I said, referring to why Ahsoka had come as well. "Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but we're in a bit of an emergency right now" Anakin replied as he crossed his arms. "Yes, our communications have been a bit unreliable. But we've been calling for help." Obi Wan finished. "Master Yoda hadn't heard from you, so he sent me...Us, to deliver the message." Ahsoka replied as she filled me in as well. "Oh great, they don't even know we're in trouble." Anakin scoffed. "Maybe you can relay a signal through the cruisers that just dropped us off." Ahsoka suggested as she and I gestured to our ships before walking towards them.


After connecting the communications from both ships together, we were able to get a transmission from Master Yoda. I noticed there was trouble happening when a clone appeared before the communications cut off, later revealing Master Yoda. "Master Kenobi, glad Master Casteele and Ahsoka found you, I am." He said. "Master Yoda, we have a big problem. We're trapped here and vastly outnumbered. We are in no position to go anywhere or do anything. Our support ships have all been destroyed." Obi Wan stated. "Send reinforcements to you, we will--" Master Yoda started before the transmission started to break up. "Master Yoda? Master Yoda!" Obi Wan tried before. "We lost the transmission sir." A clone said before the clone on the transmission from earlier returned. "We have to leave orbit immediately. More enemy ships have just arrived. We'll get back to you as soon as we can." The clone responded before we lost communication. "I guess we'll have to hold out a little longer." Anakin said before I noticed Ahsoka looked unhappy to be left out without a proper introduction. "My apologies young one, it's time for a proper introduction." Obi Wan said to her. "I'm the new Padawan Learner. I'm Ahsoka Tano." Ahsoka introduced warmly. "I am Master Casteele, nice to meet you Ahsoka." I greeted with a smile in my eyes.

"This is Anakin Skywalker. I'm Obi Wan Kenobi, you're new Master." Obi Wan continued. "I'm at your service, Master Kenobi, but I've actually been assigned to Master Skywalker." Ahsoka pointed out as she pointed at Anakin. "What? No, no, no, no! There must be some mistake. He's the one who wanted a Padawan." Anakin exclaimed as he pointed at Obi Wan. "No, Master Yoda was very specific. I'm assigned to Anakin Skywalker, and he is to supervise my Jedi training." She said. "But..That doesn't make any sense--" Anakin started before Obi Wan interfered. "We'll have to sort this out later." He said. "Obi Wan's right, it won't be long before those droids find out a way around our cannons." I added. "I'll check on Rex in the outpost." Anakin said as he started to walk away. "Better take Adira and Ahsoka with you." Obi Wan suggested as the two of us followed right behind him.

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