Finishing It

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Adira's POV

Droids and criminal guards were surrounding us quickly as Raigo continued to walk towards us; hand gripping tightly onto the hilt of his orange lightsaber. Miles and Tracker were the only ones that had found and I had no idea where everyone was. My lightsabers hummed their bright color, gleaming in the dark environment as the droids and criminal soldiers stopped. Raigo then emerged from a gathered part of his forces, his shoulders stiff and bulky, and increased his grip on the hilt of his weapon. He was nervous, I could tell, I had faced thousands of enemies that were capable of capturing me, only to reveal a small expression of fear or unpleasantness. "Clones and a Jedi side by side," he teased, "don't they know better than to challenge me?" My brows furrowed at him. He could anything to me, he could kill me, he could destroy my lightsabers, but he would never, ever, harm my brothers. My teeth gritted, but it wasn't me that made an approach by even a step forward, it was Miles. "Don't you know to never capture our General?" He asked, his voice tense and angry at him as I felt the same vibes dance off of Tracker. Raigo let out an evil chuckle, waving his orange lightsaber in hand up and down. "Fiery spirit, just as I expected from the leader of a fallen garrison. And what of you, clone captain?" He pointed the tip of his blade at Tracker, who opened his standing. "Are you foolish enough to die as another leader for nothing?" He was taunting the two of him, taunting them to attack him.

"If you threaten him again, Raigo.." I started before he cut me off. "Threaten? No, no, no, Adira. You are mistaken. I would love to enjoy seeing your clone captain's body fall beneath my feet. That was a threat." He corrected. I twirled my sabers in my hands, and I saw that Tracker and Miles were gripping tighter on their weapons. Rage and spirituality was burning inside of their bones and muscles, I could feel it. Raigo then waved his lightsaber at his forces, the tip pointing horizontally at the chest of a droid. "Inform Marge Krim to leave as soon as possible, Republic reinforcements are but to soon arrive." He informed. "But the others outside facing the two Jedi, they won't-" A Pyke's sentence was cut off short when I saw Raigo using the Force to choke him, forcing the enemy guard to gag and clench his throat, his weapon dropping to the ground with a clank. Raigo then resumed to keep his attention at the three of us, and then turned his hand into a fist. The Pyke dropped to the ground lifelessly, his helmet-life head facing Raigo. "See to it that you leave now, or I'll have more fun by killing the lot of you." Raigo stated. Terrified by what he had done, the criminal guards of both Black Sun and Pyke scurried out of the mine, heading towards the back of it.

Raigo then stared straight at me, pointing his tip of the orange blade at me. "Fight me, Jedi, or I'll see to it that your two friends die in front of your eyes." My hands gripped tightly, I could feel the veins reveal themselves to almost pop in rage. "Very well, Raigo." Was all I could reply to. Miles and Tracker looked at me in shock, they were here to rescue me, not to watch me fight for them. "Adira." Miles quietly exclaimed. "Don't worry, our friends aren't too far now." I said softly, walking towards my old friend. I pressed a button on my com link that would identify my location, our forces would soon to arrive. Right now I had to face an old memory, even if it killed me while doing so. He chuckled, twirling his orange lightsaber before I noticed something about it. It was a double-lightsaber. I hadn't noticed it before, now he wanted to reveal his surprise. The other end of his weapon hummed the other side of the blade, the orange color humming and glowing in the darkness. My blue lightsaber replicated the same, their blue aura surrounding my sides. "Let's finish this." I said quietly. Finally, we charged at each other, our lightsabers crackling against one another while emitting bright colors of blue and cyan meeting orange. Both of my lightsabers met contact with his double-lightsaber, allowing me to have more weight against him as I began pushing him.

His boots dug into the dirt floor while I pushed against him, his confidence and ego slowly decreasing. But he stopped me when we exchanged glances. I immediately jumped back seconds before he twirled his weapon clockwise, the orange blade cutting into the ground, making multiple marks and streaks of damage. I couldn't form into any of my abilities, there wouldn't be enough time nor space to do so, and I wouldn't let what happened to me earlier happen again. He presumed to lunge at me, swinging his weapon at me while I continued to block or avoid each strike. But as I continued to do so, I could feel the rage and hate burn inside of him ever more, this was new, this was...different. Eventually, he ran at me, using the Force in an attempt to push me back before I did the same in perfect timing. Though we were pushing each other with the Force, we were also pushing the area around us, the shaking of the walls of the mine continued to tremble as rock and dirt began to fall. We had to escape, fast. I then ran at Raigo's stomach, sending him flying backwards, his saber digging into the ground. But he wasn't done yet. "Impressive, so you are capable of wielding such power." He said as we circled one another. "There is no such thing as power, there is the Force." I stated. "Than you are foolish as the Jedi I have encountered." He confirmed. "You'll learn that I more qualities for you to ignore." I then ran back at him, our sabers locked at each other while we continued to fight.

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