The Citadel

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Adira's POV

We were informed immediately when Master Piell's forces had been taken and captured by Separatist hands, and to rescue him and his men would mean to travel to Lola Sayu. I knew Obi Wan and Anakin would be in this mission, along with other commanding officers, including myself would take part. I noticed there were two troopers in blue armor, knowing they were ARCs. I remembered someone saying a group of cadets on Kamino that passed their test, yet there were only two survivors after Rishi Moon Outpost was attacked, whom later became ARC Troopers. One had a 5 tattoo on the side of his head, along with a blue and gray stripped kama and having the design on his helmet the looks of a Eel. The other had one gray side of the kama, and the other blue. I knew they were known as Echo and Fives, and they were a tag team of such sorts. We were now going over of how we would try and find Master Piell and his men inside of the Separatist prison on Lola, but it was going to be hard.

"As you are aware, the Citadel is their most isolated and impenetrable detention facility. No one has ever escaped." Plo Koon informed us. "There's a first time for everything." Anakin assumed. "Indeed there is." I agreed. "Their security has prevented our probes from obtaining recent reconnaissance. So we've been forced to construct a map based upon data from the archives." Plo continued on, showing us the map of what we assumed would look like the prison. "And since the data is extremely old, the map will be difficult to rely on." Obi Wan added. "So, we're essentially going in blind." Anakin said. "Basically." I responded. "Beg your pardon General, but how do we know Master Piell is still alive?" Rex asked through his hologram. "The Separatist won't dare kill Master Piell until they have what they need." Obi Wan replied. "He obtained coordinates of a secret hyperspace lane known as the Nexus Route." Plo said.

"Which travels into the heart of the Republic and Separatist Home Worlds." I continued in an agreement. "They could prove vital in maneuvering our forces deep into remote Separatist sectors." Obi said. "Or then enemy could use them to slip through our defenses and attack Coruscant." Anakin pointed out. "These hyperspace lanes are of immense interest to both our sides. And could tip the scale of the war to whoever is in possession of them." Plo agreed. "That is all." I stated as the hologram of the map and Rex disappears, having Anakin, Plo Koon, Obi Wan, Miles and I to walk out of the briefing room, focused on the mission at hand.

"Based on the archives schematics, we've narrowed it down to three possible locations they could be holding that." Plo said as we walked through the halls of the Temple. "My greatest concern is infiltrating their outer security. The life form scanners will not be easy to fool." Obi Wan stated as he rubbed his beard in deep thought. "We'll need a backup plan to get in there before the mission starts." I agreed. "I've got a thought about that." Anakin replied as I saw an idea spark into his mind. I then looked behind to see Ahsoka running to him, and felt a bit bad for her. She wasn't informed on the mission, let alone would be in it. "Master, I'm sorry I'm late. I just heard about the briefing, we're going to rescue Master Piell right?" She asked as she caught up. "You two have much to discuss." Plo said as he and Obi Wan walked away. "Agreed." I stated as I followed behind them, already hearing the two argue behind us.

We were about to be let in on how Anakin was going to get us past the enemy's scanners, as I had briefed on my chosen men to come with us on the mission. Besides Miles, I brought Tracker, Valor, West, Alor, Seeker, Nile, Taunt, Bane, and Con to be taken to Lola Sayu. I noticed a few BB-1 battle droids were assigned with R2 and R1-C0, and I sighed out in annoyance. I wasn't found of droids besides R2 and R1, yet looking at a battle droid reminded me too much of the enemy's forces. "We're trusting those droids to get us into the Citadel?" Fives asked as we all looked at the three. "Guess so." I assumed. "It's the only way, we're flying right into the heart of Separatist territory. Droids won't be detected." Commander Cody replied as he looked at us. "Understood Commander." I said as I let Miles to go over the plan again with the men, and walked over to my droid. "R1." I said as Anakin called out his droid as well. "R2, R1, make sure they don't stray from the flight plan." Anakin instructed as his droid and mine beeped back. "It's all under control sir." One of the blue painted droids said. "I was talking to R2 and R1." Anakin said in a snapping tone before we walked away from them, having my men and the rest follow behind us.

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