Arriving On Tatooine

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3rd Person POV

She woke up once she heard Ahsoka asking her master a question. Adira then got up from her chair and looked at the two. "Okay, what happened?" Ahsoka asked her master. "I don't want to talk about it, how's Stinky holding up?" Anakin asked, trying to change the subject. "He seems to be feeling much better, his fever is gone. Even you have to admit he's cute when he's asleep." Ahsoka replied. "I admit I like him better when he's quiet, but only a little." He replied with a grin. Adira shook her head as she smiled. "Of course you like him." She said before R2 beeped at him. "No R2, I wan the cannon operational first. Leave the rear deflector shields for later." Anakin replied. "No rear shields master? That's awful risky." Ahsoka commented. "She does have a point Anakin, without shields in the rear we have no idea what's coming ahead." Adira agreed.

"A strong attack eliminates the need for defense Snip." He says before the alarms in the ship go off as several Buzzard droids come into view. "Attack ships closing in." Ahsoka says. "Somebody doesn't want Stinky to get home in one piece." Adira stated. Anakin then quickly turned the ship around, making the entire ship shake. "Wow, quite a welcome party." Ahsoka said. "Set the approach vector and make ready to land. Ahsoka, activate the guns." Anakin instructed. "All the guns are locked in the forward position." Adira reminded. "it's too bad you decided not to repair the rear deflector shields." Ahsoka chirped in. "Not now Ahsoka. R2, see if you can unlock those guns!" He replied as R2 went to turned the guns on. "Sometimes a good defense is the best offense." Ahsoka said. "Why don't you go secure your little Huttlett friend?" He asked.

"None of us are secure while you're flying!" Adira retorted as she slid to the side the moment Anakin flew the ship sideways. "Hows that for secure?" He asked with a smirk. "Hang on back there!" He says before he turns the ship again, having the Huttlett drop into Ahsoka's hands as it opened it's eyes and started to cry. "Great, you woke the baby!" She exclaimed. "I'm a little busy here." Anakin replied. Once the guns were activated, Adira then fired at one before it exploded. "Got one of them!" She says. "What about the other one?" Ahsoka asks. "One thing at a time!" Anakin replies just as the bottom wing was shot at. ""I think we needed those ray shields after all." He says as Adira gives him an annoyed look. "I told you so!" Ahsoka says. "R2, turn those guns around!" Adira instructed. "R2, now!" Anakin repeats as Ahsoka tries to push the astromech to the panel. "He's a bit busy right now. Why can't you be a tiny little mouse droid?" Ahsoka says as she pushes R2. "Get him R2!" Anakin says right as the droid is shot down followed by R2's chirp in success.

"Good job little buddy, You've been holding out on me Ahsoka, strap in." He says as Ahsoka sits back in the seat followed by Adira. "You've got that 'we're in trouble' look." She said. "There's a look?" He asked. "You can't miss it!" Adira replied with a smile along with Ahsoka. "Very funny Ahsoka, Adira. Obi Wan come in, do you copy?" He asks as he tries to turn on the transmitter. "Kenobi here, Anakin, have you reached Tatooine yet?" Obi Wan asks. "Almost, but we ran into some old-" Anakin nearly replied before the ships shakes again. "Anakin, did you get shot down again?" Obi Wan asks. "Yes!" Ahsoka and Adira reply in sync. "This ship is too slow, I haven't had time to modify it yet." Anakin defends. "I'm still cleaning up your other mess, but I'll get there." Obi Wan states before the holo picture of him disappears. "So much for reinforcements." Adira comments.

The ship then shakes again as it started to crash down for the planet. "Hang on, this landing could get a little rough." Anakin says as he tried to land it as carefully as he can. "Crashes are rough, landings are not." Ahsoka states as it continues to crash. "Then it's a crash landing." Anakin replies as the ship comes closer to the ground and eventually lands as it slides across the sand, slowly coming to a stoping point. Once the ship stopped, everyone went out and opened the back door, seeing the bright sun shine on the sandy terrain.

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