The Wrong Jedi

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I was back at the Temple the moment Ahsoka was taken into custody, and would receive a trial. I was with the other Council members speaking with Tarkin. Admiral Tarkin was thinking she would have a trial in front of the senate, to see if she would be expelled from the Order, and perhaps..Much worse. "The senate requests that Ahsoka Tano be indicted for acts of treason against the Republic." He said in the holo transmitter. "A fair trial, Padawan Tano will have, in accordance with Jedi tradition." Master Yoda said calmly. "Ah yes, Jedi tradition. I'm afraid, Master Yoda, that the senate believes that an internal Jedi trial would seem biased. Therefore, the senate asks that the Council expel Ahsoka Tano from the Jedi Order so that she may be put to a Republic Military tribunal, where she will receive more impartial judgement." Tarkin pointed out. "And who would represent Ahsoka in this tribunal, Admiral?" I asked. "That would be up to the Council, General, but I would recommend someone outside the Order." He replied. "Of course." I replied as Mace finished for me. "The Council will act as they deem necessary. Thank you Admiral." He said as Tarkin then bowed his head before the communicator went off.

"Surely we cannot do what Tarkin suggests. We need to stand together with Ahsoka." Obi Wan stated. "I agree with you Master Kenobi, this does not seem right." I followed. "And yet this evidence that she is indeed the mastermind behind the attack on the Temple." Master Mundi argued. "She was found in possession of Nano-Droid explosives. This alone is enough to convict her." Master Tiin agreed. "I understand your sentiments Obi Wan, Adira, but if the Council does as you suggest, it could be seen as an act of opposition to the senate. I am afriad we have little choice." Mace pointed out as we both backed down. "Hmm, to the Chamber of Judgement, summon Skywalker and his Padawan. And in our decision, may the Force guide us." Master Yoda finished as I looked at Obi Wan before we both looked down in defeat, knowing there was no other way but to do so.


I was not ready to do this. Judging Ahsoka for crimes I know she would never commit. But there was no other choice but to do judge her in the Chamber. I only hoped that she would be found innocent. Once the pedestal took her up to look at us, I almost looked away in shame, knowing this was someone that was clearly innocent for crimes she did not commit. "Padawan Tano, serious charges have been levied against you. How plead you?" Master Yoda asked behind his stand. "Not guilty Master. I would never take the lives of innocents. The values of the Jedi are sacred to me." Ahsoka replied. "There is evidence to the contrary. You were alone with Letta Turmond when she died. Can you explain this?" Master Mundi asked. "Someone used the Force against her." Anakin replied. "Which brings us to Ventress. Can you explain your association with her?" Master Plo asked. "We had a mutual understanding. I thought she was helping me." She answered before Mace cut her off. "Did she help you acquire the Nano-Droid weaponry found when you were apprehended. The same devices used in the bombing of the Temple?" He asked. "No! I was set up, and deceived, as you are being deceived now." She objected."The question is Padawan Tano; Who is deceiving us? Ventress, you, or someone else?" Mace asked. "I am not deceiving you! I would assume Ventress is. But I can't be sure. My sense is, clouded." She responded as she looked away.

"Clouded by the dark side these things are, Padawan Tano. Dangerously clouded. But not just surrounding you, surrounding many things in these times." Master Yoda replied as I then looked down to see Anakin. "You've already made your decision haven't you? This meeting us just a formality!" He yelled in anger. I hoped he wasn't angry at me, I did not want this at all, but..All things come to an end. "Reached a decision, we have. Though not in total agreement, are we." Master Yoda said as he looked at Ahsoka with sad eyes. "It is the Council's opinion that Padawan Ahsoka Tano has committed sedition against the Republic. And thus, she will be expelled from the Jedi Order." Mace finished as she looked up to him in horror. "You can't do this!" Anakin yelled as the Temple Guards ignited their lightsabers to prevent him from moving forward. "Your Padawan status will be stripped from you, and you shall forfeit all rank and privileges within the Grand Army of the Republic. You will be turned over to the Republic Court to await your trail, and whatever punishment they will set for you. Henceforth, you are barred from the Jedi Order." Master Mundi finished as the pedestal holding Ahsoka lowered down on the ground, having one of the Guards to remove her braid from her lekku. This was not right at all, she did not deserve this, not one bit.

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