An Old War

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3rd POV

Republic scouts had reported in once they saw that their Jedi General had been struck down by a stranger. Anakin and the 501st had arrived moments earlier, only to hear the report from the scouts themselves. Fear immediately trickled into his mind, Adira was one of the strongest Jedi he knew of the Jedi Order, taking her down meant there was someone else stronger than her alone. He had then contacted Obi Wan on the matter, discussing on how their next move would play out to save his friend. Together, the 501st and Ryloth Company would make a successful attack on rescuing her, but Obi Wan hadn't agree to it yet. "Are you sure this sounds correct?" Obi Wan asked on the other side. "Yes Master, scouts reported in to tell me that Adira has been taken hostage by the Pykes and the droids." Anakin replied. "And what about this 'stranger'? Do we have any intel on him?" Obi Wan questioned, rubbing his beard. "No, we don't know who this guy is, all we know is that he was able to take her down easily without any support." His former apprentice said.

"Very well, I'll contact the Council and debate on how our next move will play out." Obi Wan informed. "We can't just wait on the Council for an answer, we have to do something now." Anakin retorted, scoffing. "Anakin, you know as much as I know that Master Casteele's life may be in great danger, but she is a strong Jedi Master, one of the best if I recall. If we simply charge into this mess, we may be dealing with someone else, worse than Count Dooku." Obi Wan pointed out. "And if we don't? What if Adira is about to be killed right now?" Anakin asked, growing angry. "The enemy won't dare try to kill a Jedi without wanting to suppress terms on the Republic's surrender." Obi Wan sensed his former apprentice's discomfort, but there was nothing else he could think of. "Don't worry Anakin, Adira is strong within the Force. If something were to go wrong, she would escape without much harm." He assured. Anakin gripped his fist tightly, anger and rage bubbling inside of him. "I am not going to just leave Adira to help herself against whoever took her down!" He yelled, having some of the men and Ekita to stare at him. "My men and hers are a strong unit together, if we sneak in without much knowledge, we can get her out without many people noticing." He continued.

Obi Wan frowned. "Anakin, I order you not to interfere without the Council's approval on this matter!" He restricted. "And I am ignoring that order. We're going in, with or without the Council." With that, Anakin turned the holo-table off, cutting off transmission. "Anaki--" Obi Wan started before he was cut off. Ekita hesitantly walked towards her Master's friend, adrenaline rushing through her. Her Master was missing and now she had been kidnapped by the enemy, they didn't have much longer until they would get what they wanted. "Master Skywalker?" She asked. Anakin turned towards her, reassurance in his eyes. "Don't worry Ekita, we're going to provide a small unit of clones and rush in to save Master Casteele." He assured. "Against the Jedi Council's orders?" She asked, hesitant to disobey the older Masters. Just like her Master. Anakin thought, smirking. "Ehh, sometimes the Council doesn't have a say in the matter. Now round up some of your men, leave the rest here incase the droids make a sudden attack." He then instructed. "Yes, Master." She replied, walking towards a group of her men. They were to rescue a Jedi Master from a stranger that took her down almost with ease, but they didn't know who it was.


Adira's POV

I simply remained calm, meditating, at least trying to without the noise of droids roaming freely outside my cell. I was trapped in a cell that had been carved out by the cave's wall, having the entrance to be ray-shielded. But while I remained in my calm posture, my mind was racing with earlier events. I couldn't believe it, Raigo was alive. The sudden attack the droids made on Cato Neimoidia years ago seemed so long now, it was almost impossible for him to survive the outcome. Not even my Master or his men could locate any survivors. But it didn't make any sense! We were young kids when we pledged ourselves to the Republic, but he turned his back on us, to me. It didn't make any sense, but I guess the Separatists got to him first before the Republic arrived on the planet. I then heard one of the droids speak to the other one, holding its blaster in hand. "Do you know whats going on here?" It asked. "I heard that the Crime Syndicate arranged a deal with that stranger with the orange sword." The other answered. "You mean a lightsaber?" I asked. The pair turned towards me. "Be quiet, Jedi. You're not in the line to speak." One stated. "You know, I have defeated thousands of you battle droids in a single hour without much problem, to be honest, you have no idea what I am capable of." I continued. "Oh yeah, and whats that?" The other asked. "You'll see soon enough." I replied. Suddenly, I heard approaching footsteps, I didn't need to open my eyes to see that it was Raigo walking towards me.

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