The Jedi Who Knew Too Much

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With Letta in prison of the bombing, we were now having an eulogy of the fallen Jedi Masters that were unlucky while the bomb went off. "One with the Force, they are. And our job it is to remember that we will, in time, also pass on. Luminous beings are we, but temporary vessels, our bodies are. And we shall all find ourselves here in time. A moment of silence, I ask, to remember and to move on." Master Yoda said as he looked at the six bodies that were covered by a long white blanket. I had not known any of the masters, yet it pained me to know they were now dead because of a woman's doing. "Live for the living Jedi, we must. Live through us, forever they will." Master Yoda said as he tapped his cane on the ground, having the six caskets lower into the ground before it covers them, shinning a golden light over the emitter, as in symbol they had fully joined the Living Force.


I was walking with Anakin and Ahsoka, along with Barriss and Admiral Tarkin to debate what would happen to Letta. "So what happens to Letta now?" Ahsoka asks. "The bomber has been moved." Tarkin replied as he kept his hands behind his back. "Moved? Where? Why should she be moved?" Ahsoka asked. "The Republic Military has taken her into custody." Tarkin responded as he looked at her in a calm way. "But why? This is a Jedi Matter, isn't it?" She asked. "Clones were killed, which makes this terrorist attack a military matter. An attack on the Jedi is an attack on the senate." Tarkin said as he faced at her. "Admiral Tarkin is right. Letta isn't a Jedi. It's not for us to judge and jury over a citizen of the Republic." I pointed out to her. I hated to admit that Tarkin was right at certain areas, Jedi involvement was not allowed over someone that wasn't a Jedi Knight. "If Letta's guilty, she's guilty, and she should be dealt with." Ahsoka blurted out angrily. "Calm down Ahsoka. Remember, revenge is not the Jedi way." Anakin reminded her. "The evidence seems clear Ahsoka, nothing will ever change." Barriss said as she looked down. I was confused on what she meant, things could and will always change.

"The Chancellor feels very strongly that the Jedi be removed from as many military matters as possible. You yourselves said you were peacekeepers, not soldiers." Tarkin said after pressing a button on the elevator, waving a finger at us. "I hope Chancellor Palpatine knows what he's doing." Ahsoka said in defeat. "I assure you that he rarely does anything without a strategy." Tarkin stated as he stood in the elevator, waiting for Anakin and I. "I have many things to attend to, Masters. Good day. Ahsoka" Barriss said as she bowed her head before walking away. "Go. Be with you friend Ahsoka." Anakin said as I saw her run to her friend before Anakin and I stepped in the elevator. "In ways, she is still very young." Anakin said. "And perhaps similar to her own master." I snickered. "Indeed." Tarkin agreed as the door then closed, and we went down.


We went back to a meeting room, where the Separatist were planning another attack. "We've uncovered a Separatist plan of attack. We shall travel to the Anoat system here, then move across to Saleucami." Obi Wan said in the holo transmitter, showing us the systems that showed where we would make our moves. "So far out of our way?" I asked him. "Unfortunately, we must avoid these neutral systems." Obi Wan replied as a holo figure of Admiral Tarkin showed up besides him. "Excuse me, Master Jedi." Tarkin said. "Yes Admiral." Mace said. "Commander Tano, your presence is requested by prisoner Letta Turmond." Tarkin explained. "The prisoner from the hanger bombing?" Ahsoka asked. "Why is she asking for Ahsoka?" Anakin asked. "Not exactly sure, but Commander Tano is the only person the prisoner will speak to." Tarkin replied. "I'll report back with whatever I find out." Ahsoka replied as she then left the room for the rest of us to continue our plan to attack the Separatist.


Once news got out that Ahsoka had killed Letta, both Anakin and I had rushed to the prison, and I allowed Miles to come as well. All of us were then confronted by Commander Fox, leader of the Guard here on Coruscant. "I said my Padawan is in there, now step aside." Anakin tried again. "General Skywalker, General Casteele, Captain Miles, Admiral Tarkin has ordered that no one be allowed in there." Fox replied, sounding confident in his answer. "I don't care what she's accused of. Let..Me..In." Anakin ordered as he pointed at Fox. "Patience Anakin, there are times like these that will make things worse." I said to him as he then lowered his hand. "It would be wise of you to listen to your friend here." Fox continued. "Is there something wrong here Commander?" Miles asked, and I could feel the displeasure grow in him. "Admiral Tarkin has ordered for no Jedi to see Commander Tano, there is no reason for any of you to come in." Fox replied coldly. I knew there was a bit of hatred between him and other clones, since most of their lives would be lost in battles, whilst he and the Guard remained safe here on Coruscant, guarding the Chancellor at all time.

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