Crisis On Naboo

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I was with a few Council Members to discuss on how we were going to transport the Chancellor to Naboo and how to get him back to Coruscant safely. With Obi Wan still undercover as Rako Hardeen, it would be harder to keep the Chancellor safe since we haven heard any contact from him. "As you can see, we've mapped the Chancellor's route to and from the festival's stage. We'll know where he'll be every moment from the time we land on Naboo" Mace instructed as we looked at a holo-map of the route the Chancellor would take. "What security measures are in place?" Master Plo asked. "The Naboo Royal Guard will have armed sentries in all entry points of the palace. And the stage itself will be sealed off by a ray-shield for the duration of the event." I replied as I showed the holo-map and the ray shield that would protect everyone from the outside. "I see nothing to worry about." Anakin said, arms crossed in front of him. "With complacency comes vulnerability, yes. It is what we do not see that concerns me. A long time to plan his attack, Count Dooku has." Master Yoda responded. "Yes, we thought we have an advantage with Obi Wan on the inside, but we've had no communication from him in days." Stated Mace. "Obi Wan will do his part. Let's make sure we do ours." Anakin pointed out as he stormed out of the chambers. This whole secret behind him made him more angrier, I just hope he would calm down later.


We had finally arrived on Naboo. I don remember being her for a long time, but I did know the events that took place before I came. Anakin and Obi Wan were tasked to be guards for Padme when she was Queen, and it took place when Anakin was a Padawan. There were also massive attempts to assassinate her before the attempts stopped. I knew there was a new Queen on Naboo, and things were different now than in the past. As we exited the ship, Queen Neeyutnee, Padme, and a few Naboo Guards walked to greet us. "Greetings, your Majesty." The Chancellor greeted the Queen. "Welcome home, Chancellor. I'm thankful to the Jedi for bringing you here, safely." Padme greeted back as she walked up from the sides of the Queen. "Yes, Senator. It is good to be back, although I think the amount of security that has accompanied me is...overkill." The Chancellor replied. "With all due respect Chancellor, where your safety is concerned, there is no such thing as overkill." Mace reassured. "So you keep insisting, Master Jedi. But I have grown tired of discussing it." The Chancellor pointed out before following the Queen and Guards as Mace followed, leaving Padme to speak with us.

"Anakin, Ahsoka, Adira, welcome to the festival of Light." Padme welcomed. "I've never seen the festival of Light. Sounds like a big event." Ahsoka admitted as she looked around. I hadn't been on Naboo for some time, but I still remembered what it was like last time me and my Master came. It was the celebrate the unity between the Republic and planet of Naboo. "They're expecting a large crowd, which means it will be difficult for Dooku to attack during the ceremony." Anakin informed. "Are you certain that an attack is imminent?" Padme asked. "I am afraid so." Anakin replied. "That's why we're making Ahsoka you're personal bodyguard." I added. "At your service, my lady." Ahsoka replied as Padme smiled. "If there's trouble, Ahsoka will get you, the Queen, and rest of your staff to safety." Anakin reassured. "What about you?" Padme asked as Anakin started to walk. "Hopefully, I'll be where I always am." He replied. "He means saving the day." Ahsoka muttered with a smile to Padme. "Of course he does." Padme agreed as I smiled.


3rd POV

Nightfall had come after several passed from day, revealing the festival of Light was starting to begin. Looking up at the beautiful dark sky, Adira faded the noises of the people as she continued to admire the beautiful sky. She then snapped back when the noise of a ray-shield being activated as it surrounded the large crowd of people, right after the Chancellor took the podium. She then stood to the right of a crowd of people while the Chancellor smiled as he looked at everyone. "It is an honor to be here for this momentous occasion. The pride I feel for this planet cannot be put into words, and tonight, we celebrate that union!" The Chancellor exclaimed as everyone cheered. "Take a moment and look around this glorious city of yours. It wasn't long ago this was all plasma mines. Naboo has indeed come a long way. But as we chart a bold course for the future, let us never forget out past!" He continued before turning around, right as the fireworks went off, creating big, beautiful explosions. As she looked up to gaze at the wonderful fireworks, both Adira and Anakin received a call from Mace. "Skywalker, Casteele, the shield generator!" He yelled as Adira looked to see a Parwan reach out to detroy the shield generator. Seeing that the Chancellor was very close to it, Adira rammed at him and pushed him to the side just as the generator exploded, sending crowds of people to scream in panic and worry.

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