The Last War

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3rd POV

Adira remained with the High Council, debating with the other Masters on where General Grevious's current location could possibly be. Master Yoda had already arrived on Kashyyyk earlier in the day and were helping the Wookies against the droid armada. "Palpatine thinks General Grevious is on Utapau. We have had no reports of this from our agents." Master Mundi informed, his figure perfectly aligned on the chair while his true position was located on Mygeeto. "How could the Chancellor have come by this information and we know nothing of it? We have had contact with Baron Papanoida and he said no one was there." Mace stated. "A partial message was intercepted in a diplomatic packet from the Chairmen of Utapau." Anakin said. "Act on this, we must. The capture of General Grevious will end this war. Quickly and decisively we should proceed." Yoda stated. "Does everyone agree?" Obi Wan asked. Everyone silently nodded in understanding, but were thinking on who should lead the campaign to look for Grevious. Everyone remained quiet until Anakin spoke. "The Chancellor has requested that I lead the campaign." He said. "The Council will make up its own mind who is to go, not the Chancellor." Mace disagreed. "Yes, this decision is ours to make." Mundi agreed. Anakin grew quiet again, angry that the Chancellor's decision was overridden by the Council's.

"A Master is needed, with more experience." Master Yoda pointed out. "I'm afraid I cannot go, I am to leave for Christophsis soon." Adira said as she felt eyes traced to her. "Given our resources, I recommend we only send one Jedi....Master Kenobi." Mace suggested. "He was not so successful the last time he met Grevious." Anakin admitted. Obi Wan gave him a look, not happy that he informed the Council of it. "No offense, my Master, but I am only stating a fact." Anakin continued. "Oh no, you're quite right. But I do have the most experience with his ways of combat." Obi Wan said. "Obi Wan, my choice is." Yoda then said. "I concur, Master Kenobi should go." Master Mundi agreed. "I agree." Adira said. "Aye." Mace said. "Aye." Followed by other voices of the other Masters, not paying attention to Anakin who was angry and upset. "Very well, Council is adjourned." Mace finished. Everyone then stood up and bowed their head before some left the room, while the rest remained in their chairs.


Adira's POV

A few hours had passed by until Anakin, Obi Wan, and I were being our departure from Coruscant. I was to leave for Christophsis and Obi Wan for Utapau, while Anakin would remain on Coruscant for further notice. "You're going to need me on this one, Master. You as well, Adira." Anakin stated. "Oh, I agree. However it may turn out just to be a wild bantha chase." Obi Wan said. "Agreed." I said before he and I began to turn away. "Adira, Master!" Anakin called out to us as we turned back to face him. "Master, I've disappointed you. I have not been very appreciative of your training..I have been arrogant and I apologize. Adira...I never meant to snap at you at the meeting yesterday. I've just been so frustrated with the Council. Your friendships mean everything to me." He stated. We both gave him a small smile. "You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy. I have taught you everything I know. And you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be, and you have saved our lives more times than we can remember." Obi Wan assured. "I agree, but be patient, Anakin. It won't be long until the Council makes you a Jedi Master." I finished with a smile. Both he and I then began to turn away, looking back at him before we would enter our own ships. "Don't worry, I have enough clones with me to take three systems the size of Utapau, and Adira with the possibility of five to Christophsis. I think we'll be able to handle the situation, even without your help." Obi Wan reassured him.

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