Weapons Factory

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All of us were gathered around for the briefing on how to take out the Droid Factory. Ahsoka and Anakin were in front with me at the side, and the clones were kneeling down or were standing to hear the conversation. "This bridge is our first way point. Focus your fire on the gun emplacements, here and here. Because it's only--" Ahsoka said as he pointed over to the holo-map, but not before Anakin interrupted her. "Because it's only after we neutralize the guns that we can push for that factory." He finished as I quietly roll my eyes. "Here he goes again." I thought before Ahsoka picked up from where she started. "I was. We can push for the factory. Now, expect stiff resistance from--" She instructed before Anakin interrupted her, again. "And don't forget to top off your energy cells and ration packs. Once we leave, there will be no resupply. Anything else Ahsoka?" He asked as he looked at her. "No, I think you pretty much covered everything. In my briefing." She replied. "Very well, squad dismissed." Anakin instructed as the men walked away. I then backed up to allow the two to...Speak to one another. "Ok, what's next?" He asked. "You know Master, my briefings might go better if you didn't interrupt me every time I tried to-" She said before he cut her off. "I wasn't interrupting, I was trying to help you." He said in defense. "Which I would appreciate if you didn't interrupt me to do it. I just think maybe you don't trust me to give the briefing." She snapped.

"It's not about trust. It's about getting the job done right." He replied. I was about to stop him, but it was too late. "So you don't trust me to get the job done right, I knew it." She said. "Snips, I never said-" He started. "No, no it's okay. I understand, I'm the Padawan, you're the Master." She said as she walked away. I quietly chuckled as I saw Anakin and Ahsoka go against each other again. The two were so busy arguing, that they didn't realize Master Luminara and her Padawan were walking up to us. "Uhh, Anakin?" I asked, but he was busy with his Padawan as well. "Well, if you don't trust me, maybe you should send me back!" Ahsoka said as she crossed her arms. "Oh-ho ho, don't tempt me Snips." Anakin replied as Master Luminara and her apprentice came up to us. "If you're both finished with you little discussion, we do have a factory to destroy." She said as she then looked to her apprentice. "Well Barriss? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" She asked as her apprentice then bows at Ahsoka. "Padawan Learner Barriss Offee at your service." She introduced herself as Ahsoka then gave her her hand. "Glad to meet you, I'm Ahsoka." She said as she helped Barriss up. "It's good to see both of you again." Anakin says to Master Luminara. "I wish it was under more peaceful circumstances." She replied as we then headed to discuss the plan to take down the factory.


All five of us were gathered around a holo-map to discuss the plan. "A frontal assault is risky, our losses will be high." Master Luminara points out. "Agreed, not knowing how many enemy forces we will be facing will be risky." I agreed with her. "But not as high as they'll be if that factory comes online." Anakin said. "Indeed, but there is an alternative. Every Geonosian building has a series of catacombs beneath it that run deep underground." Master Luminara explained. "Some of the tunnels are close enough to this cliff wall so that you could cut a hole and make an entry point." Barriss said. "Once inside, we could find the main reactor, plant the explosives, and blow the factory inside out." Luminara finishes. "Looks like a good way to get lost, if you ask me." Anakins says. "For the unprepared perhaps, but I have instructed Barriss to memorize the labyrinth, all too hundred junctions." Master Luminara replied. "Two hundred? Good grief!" I thought. "You always were thorough." Anakin then stated. "It pays for one to be prepared. Right Barriss?" She asks as she looks back to her apprentice. "Especially when other people's lives depend on your success." She said. "How do we keep the Geonosians occupied while someone else is setting the bombs?" Ahsoka asks.

"Good point, Snips. If whoever's going in there is going to be successful, we'll need to create a diversion." Anakin stated. "Precisely. That task will be carried out by you, Adira, and I, while the destruction of the factory falls to the Padawans." Luminara instructs. "Now, hold on. Who decided that? Walking into that factory could be suicide." Anakin disagreed, having me and Ahsoka to stare at him. "Not if you, Adira, and I are successful holding Poggle's attention at the bridge." Master Luminara responded. "Master, I can do this. I've had riskier assignments." Ahsoka reassured him. "But unlike Barriss, you aren't prepared for this mission." He retorted. "Not to worry, my Padawan is reliable. She can lead them both." Luminara stated. "We'll be in and out, Master." Barriss reassures. "See? Dependable Barriss will get me through. Don't worry Master. As you well know, I can follow orders." Ahsoka agreed. "It's decided then." I finished as Master Luminara hands Ahsoka a backpack full of explosives. "I guess so." Anakin said, as he gave in. "We'll monitor your progress on these chronometers." Master Luminara stated as she then handed us the devices.

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