Destroy The Malevolence

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Now that the ion cannon on the Malevolence was destroyed, I joined the others as we watched the enemy ship slowly retreat, only to be fired by our fighters. "Commander, what is the damage level to their ship?" Obi Wan asked a clone. "She's lost her primary shield and stabilizers. But the ship is so massive, it can take all the firepower our cannons can give it." The Commander replied. "We must summon reinforcements." Master Plo said just as Anakin walked up to us. "Thats why I'm here, Master Plo." He replied. "Anakin, were you able to contact Master Luminara?" Obi Wan asked as he looked at Anakin. "Yes, Master. She's busy with a fleet of Separatist reinforcements nearby. She won't be able to give us support until she's turned them away." Anakin replied. "Then, we'll have to make due with what we have." I assumed as we all looked back at the nearly destroyed Malevolence.

"Admiral, status report." Anakin instructed. "They're not attempting to jump to hyperspace, their hyperdrive must be damaged." Admiral Yularen replied. "This is our chance, all ships target the bridge!" Obi Wan directed. "Maximum firepower!" I continued as the Malevolence was being destroyed quicker then I had ever seen. "Master, we're picking up a signal near the enemy ship. Something just came out of hyperspace." Ahsoka reported as she looked at the scanners. "Enemy reinforcements?" Anakin asked. "No. It looks like a Naboo ship." She replied as I looked at it, she was right. "Gunners, stand down." Anakin directed firmly. "What in blazes are they doing out here?" I asked. "Ahsoka, contact that ship!" He then added as she homed in on the communications table. "Naboo cruiser, identify yourself." She stated. "This is Senator Amidala." The voice replied. "Padme, what are you doing out here?" Anakin asked. "I was sent here on a special mission. The Senate was told the Banking Clan wanted to negotiate a treaty." She replied. "Get out of there as fast as you can." Anakin stated before I heard something. "Padme, whats happening?" He then asked. "I'm being pulled inside the cruiser by a tractor beam! I will not become a Separatist bargaining chip! Continue your attack, you must destroy this monstrous weapon!" She directed before communications went off. I watched as Anakin clenched his hand tightly, and turned around to face the Admiral. "Admiral, order our ships to stop firing!" He instructed as the Republic ships stopped firing at the Malevolence.


I was speaking with Obi Wan when I saw Anakin heading out of the bridge. "And where do you think you are going?" Obi Wan asked. "Somebody has to save her skin." He replied. "I thought you may say that." I said as we followed him to the hanger, and to his ship known as The Twilight. Once we were in his ship, Anakin and I turned it on to prepare our flight. "I trust you have already formulated a brilliant plan to rescue the Senator?" Obi Wan asked. "As a matter of fact, I have." He replied. "But do we have a plan B? Every operation needs a backup plan, Anakin." Obi Wan stated. "We don't have a backup, yet. But I do have a plan for getting on that ship." Anakin confirmed. "Really?" I asked. "The enemy sensors have obviously been damaged. So we'll sneak in behind them and dock at the emergency airlock." He replied. "Thats your plan? Just fly there, land, and hope they don't spot us and walk in the door?" Obi Wan asked. "Basically." Anakin replied. "Oh, brilliant. Let's get going." Obi Wan then said as the ship turned on and we flew to the Malevolence.


As we were approaching the Malevolence, I gripped tightly on my lightsabers. "If they spot us, we'll be pulverized." Obi Wan reminded. "They're too busy repairing the ship. They don't have the time to notice us." Anakin replied. "Subtlety has never been one of your strong points, Anakin." I said to him. "Everything I know, I learned from you Master, Adira." Anakin said with a smirk as I rolled my eyes. "Oh, if that were only true." Obi Wan commented. We were now closing in on the ship, and had docked in the emergency airlock. But not before Anakin spun a little, making me slide to the side before we exited the ship. "Anakin, you're crazy." Obi Wan started. "Spinning is not flying." I finished as we exited the ship. "But it's a good trick." He said with a smirk. "We don't want to be spotted." Obi Wan then said as the doors in front open, revealing two battle droids. "Ah! I knew it! It's them!" One yelled. "Oh no.." The other said as Obi Wan and Anakin slashed at them with their lightsabers, deactivating them once they were destroyed. "You stay here R2." Anakin instructed to his astromech as it headed back for the ship.

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