Carnage Of Krell

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"You are experiencing strong emotions, my apprentice. Why is that so?" Master Di asked me as I tapped into the Living Force. "Master Krell is ordering the execution of two troopers who may have just saved both battalions from marching at the Capital." I responded. "And the reason you believe he is being a near impossible leader?" He asked. "He has ordered his men; the 501st, to march against machines that look nearly impossible to defeat. I went with them to support them, but Krell had the rest of the men of my battalion and the 501st." I replied. "Nothing is impossible, Adira. You will learn what is the true nature of Master Krell's intentions, sooner or later. But remember, when that time comes, you must control yourself and your emotions." He informed before I came back into reality, just as a knock was heard from my door. I waved at the control as I saw Nyx in front, looking as if he just ran from an Acklay. "Nyx, is something the matter?" I asked. "General, Ma'am, General Krell has ordered the execution of Fives and Jesse immediately." He replied. "What? Why?" I asked quickly, my heart racing. "He thought it was a waste of time to keep them alive for an interrogation with the Republic after we conquer the planet, and ordered it moments ago." He responded. "Where are they going to?" I asked. "The back of the tower, where the squad is being made." He replied. "Thank you Nyx, for everything." I thanked before I formed in my wolf form, running to save the two lives that could have saved the lives of the men, and mine.


3rd POV

In the back of the tower, an execution squad was formed up as Dogma was in charge of it. "Line up the prisoners!" He instructed as Fives and Jesse were being led to their deaths. "Well, I've officially lost my sense of humor." Jesse blurted out as Rex looked up at the tower, only to see Krell waiting impatiently for the execution. As the two were lined up, Dogma walked towards who he knew by heart were traitors. "Will the prisoners request to be blindfolded?" He asked as the two said nothing. "I'll take that as a no." He then added before walking away. "I hope you can live with yourself Dogma." Fives called out, his voice tense with betrayal and anger before Dogma and Rex lined up besides the execution squad. "Ready weapons." Dogma instructed as the team did so. "I never thought we'd go out this way." Jesse muttered. "Aim." Dogma continued as the squad did so, almost about to pull the trigger when... "Wait, this is wrong, and we all know it! General Krell is making a flawed decision and he needs to be called on it. No clone should have to go out this way! We are loyal soldiers, we follow orders, but we are not a bunch of unthinking droids! We are men. We must be trusted to make the right decisions. Especially when the orders we are given are wrong!" Fives yelled out to persuade his brother from making a rash decision.

"Fire!" Dogma confirmed nonetheless, as the trooper opened fire only for it to stop midair, inches from the two. "That is enough!" A female voice howled as the men turned around to see General Casteele running at them in her wolf form, coming at them at high speed. She jumped in front of the squad and Fives and Jesse as she kept her right side in front of them, while she was growling as the men, bullets remaining in the air as if they were in slow motion. "Back down everyone!" She growled as her white teeth snarled at them. "But, General Casteele..." Dogma started before Adira snapped at him with a loud bark, having him to shut his mouth. "I thought every soldier from either battalion was filled with good decisions, but seeing this disappoints me. The two are heroes for saving countless of lives from marching at the Capital head on, without their aid against the tanks, we would all be dead! I know you are all wanting to do good choices to remain loyal, but not all orders are good for the men or leaders. You must make a decision now; kill the lives that saved yours, or help me show that Krell is an unfit leader." She stated as the men dropped their rifles to the ground, having Adira to become less tense as her eyes twinkled with delight and pride. She then used the Force to push the bullets on the ground as they made their mark on the ground, before she formed back into her Vahla form.

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