Shadow Of Malevolence

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I walked besides Ahsoka and Master Plo as Anakin went over the briefing. Our mission was to take a squad of bombers, and hopefully, it would be enough to take down the enemy ship with the ion cannon, including Grevious. "Our bombers will attack at high speed to evade the enemy's ion weapon. We destroy General Grevious, and the ship will fall with him. Any questions?" Anakin asks. "Just tell us where that metal head is, sir!" One clone said as he stood up from his chair. "Yeah, we've been waiting a chance to take him out!" Another agrees as two more stand up. "Alright men, settle down. This is an important mission. We destroy Grevious, we can bring the war to a quicker end." Anakin stated as the men sat back down. "Pilots, prepare your bombers." He then said as everyone dispersed, having the three of us walk up to him and Admiral Yularen. "Skywalker, this is an aggressive plan. Are you sure your squadron can complete this mission?" Master Plo asked. "Let's ask them. Matchstick!" He called to a clone who turned his head, along with two others. "You think our boys can pull it off?" He asked. "Yes sir! There hasn't been a mission Shadow Squadron couldn't complete!" Matchstick replied firm with confidence. "Thats right, minimal casualties, maximum effectiveness! Thats us!" Another agreed. "I admire your confidence, pilot." Master Plo started as he turned towards Anakin. "Even so, minimal casualties may be enough to prevent you from breaking Grevious's defenses." I finished. "Master Plo and Casteele are right. With Grevious on that ship's bridge, it's bound to be well protected." Ahsoka said as she looked at her Master. "Don't worry Ahsoka, we'll destroy that ship. And Grevious along with it." He confirmed as we then walked to our starfighters for the upcoming battle.


I couldn't remember the last time I was in a space battle, but it had been many months since I was in my fighter. "R1!" I called out to my old friend. He beeped back as he rolled his way to me, having me to kneel down to him with a smile. Anakin had made him while I was preparing another space mission a few years ago. He was made from the same material from R2, but his boosters were white instead. The base of his color was silver with brown markings, and had a few gold streaks against it. "We're getting ready for a space battle, this time, we may just take down Grevious in the ship he is in. You ready like old times?" I asked as he beeped in his response. I chuckled lightly as I then pushed myself up. "Thats what I love to hear." I said as he used his boosters to get in my fighter. The old thing was painted brown, with gray and black streaks of my Master's battalion. I then looked over my shoulder to see Anakin and Ahsoka move to his fighter. "Which one's mine?" She asked. "You're with me." He replied as she turned around in an expression that made me chuckle. "Someone's gotta watch my back." He continued. "Broadside can do that. Besides, you have R2." She said as the said droid beeped. "But I so enjoy your company, my Padawan." He stated with a bit of sarcasm. "Just admit it, you don't like my flying." She said as she crossed her arms. "No, no! It's not that, it's just I.." He nearly started before Master Plo and I walked over. "Skywalker." Master Plo called as he and Admiral Yularen walked towards us. "The enemy warship has attacked our convoy of medical transports near Ryndellia." Admiral Yularn reported. "What?! Medical transports?! Only General Grevious would go after clones who can't fight back." Ahsoka said in discouragement. "The Ryndellia system..Thats near Naboo!" I said as I realized one of our medical stations we near the system. "Isn't that where our medical station is?" Ahsoka asks. "I'll bet thats where his next target will be." Anakin replied.

"But there's also a lot of star clusters in that area." I confirmed. "With a ship that big, he'll be unable to chart a course thats less than ten parsects." Master Plo stated. "Then I guess we'll be taking a shortcut." Anakin assumed. "Admiral, warn that station whats coming." Anakin instructed as the Admiral then left to do so. "This journey may be treacherous. If you loose any ships before you reach the target.." Master Plo started. "We won't loose anybody." Anakin replied with confidence. "I will accompany you, fly fighter escort." Master Plo then said. "Any help is welcome, Master Plo. Just try not to fall behind." Anakin replied as he and I then hopped into our ships. "I had a feeling you'd be coming along. You're ship has already been prepped." Ahsoka then said as she hopped into Anakin's fighter. My droid then beeped in worry as I turned my old fighter on. "Don't worry R1, I know for a certain that we will make through." I reassured my droid with both a smile and reassuring tone as we then led the bombers behind us, and towards the enemy ship.

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